Chapter 70: You Can't Run

There's a saying that truth is found within the range of firepower, and with enough firepower, even evil gods can be destroyed.

No matter what kind of monsters came they can be blasted away by a barrage of 3,600 rounds.

Taking advantage of the Batplane's firepower, Chu Cheng quickly maneuvered Batman to grab Agent Luo Yajun.

Luo Shiyuan, who was too busy dodging bullets, couldn't interfere.

Batman easily grabbed Luo Yajun and jumped out of the old abandoned warehouse through a window.

Luo Shiyuan had chosen this run-down warehouse in the middle of nowhere to avoid a battle in a crowded downtown area where heavy weapons couldn't be used. It was like he dug his own grave.

After surveying the area, Chu Cheng remotely positioned the Batmobile fighters for a full assault.

With no hostages to worry about, every weapon fired at once, and the warehouse was instantly torn apart by the intense firepower.

Flames consumed the warehouse turning the whole place into a sea of fire.

Even though Batman and Luo had retreated far from the building, they were still hit by the shockwave of the explosion.

Batman's armor, though not as strong as Captain America's shield, held up. His cape shielded him from the impact.

When they turned around, the entire warehouse was gone, leaving only burning wreckage.

It seemed impossible that anything could survive such a bombardment.

But Luo Shiyuan did.

The Batplane's bombs tore his mutated body to shreds. He lost an arm, and a huge chunk of his torso was blown away.

But thanks to a secret escape route he had prepared, he managed to survive.

A hidden passage led to an underground sewer, allowing him to escape just before the warehouse was destroyed.

Even so, when he jumped into the underground sewer his body was still badly burned.

Despite his severe injuries, Luo Shiyuan was still laughing—a twisted, maniacal laugh.

But when he hit the water, he choked on the dirty water and coughed violently.

Somehow, he got away.

The current swept him into a drain and out to the river.

Luo Shiyuan floated to the surface, coughing up blood and dirty water, laughing weakly.

He thought Batman was a fool, thinking he had escaped.

But then, he noticed something under the river's surface—a light, like a dangerous creature lurking below.

The water parted, and a sleek, black shape emerged—the Bat-Submarine.

Luo Shiyuan's smile vanished.

A mine exploded near him, sending him flying and the shockwave from the explosion casued a mini whilepool suckimg him in.

He tried to fight back, but his aim was off in the turbulent water, and the Bat-Submarine was like a relentless predator constally firing on him.

Luo Shiyuan tried to turn his arm into a rocket launcher, but with one arm gone and his body wrecked, he was not able to transform.

He could only try to flee faster.

Torpedoes exploded all around him.

Finally, battered and half-dead, Luo Shiyuan crawled ashore, dragging his broken body across the ground.

The Bat-Submarine stopped at the water's edge, respecting its limits as an underwater vehicle.

Luo Shiyuan ducked into a dark alley, leaning against a broken dumpster to catch his breath and heal, still laughing bitterly.

He mocked Batman for not realizing he was too injured to get far. If Batman had waited, he would have caught him easily.

Luo Shiyuan froze.

He slowly turned his head, and there, in the shadows, stood Batman, like a silent ghost.

Luo Shiyuan swung his remaining arm, now an axe at Batman. But Batman dodged and punched him in the forehead with a shock-gloved fist, sending sparks flying.

Luo Shiyuan tried to fight back, but a Batarang embedded itself in his arm joint. The red light blinked twice before it exploded, blowing off his remaining arm and sending the axe flying.

Luo Shiyuan fell to the ground, three limbs gone, trying to slither away like a snake.

A figure appeared in front of him.

Luo Shiyuan looked up and saw Luo Yajun's expressionless face, a cigarette in his mouth.

Luo Yajun's right arm began to transform, turning into a large-caliber gun barrel aimed at Luo Shiyuan's head.

Luo Shiyuan looked at the muzzle, pondered for a moment, and then started laughing again.

"Good joke, Agent Luo," he coughed. "Whatever, it's all the same."

Luo Yajun didn't respond. Flames shot from the gun barrel, and he kept firing until Luo Shiyuan's grotesque face was nothing but a bloody mess.

Luo Yajun exhaled a smoke ring, and his arm returned to its normal form.

He let out a long sigh of relief.

"I didn't even know... I could do that..."