Chapter 74: Testing The New Heros

Moon Knight, a Marvel superhero, is known for his flashy cloak and signature crescent moon darts.

Fans often call him "Marvel's Batman" because, like Batman, he takes on crime in New York, often working with the police to investigate and solve cases.

However, while Batman is known for his all-black suit, Moon Knight is the opposite—he's dressed in all white, making him stand out at night. It's almost like he's daring criminals to come after him.

Though Moon Knight operates on the streets, he's no ordinary hero.

In the comics and TV series, he's the chosen avatar of the Egyptian moon god, Khonshu. This gives him divine powers, including super strength, incredible endurance, super-fast healing, and the ability to see spirits invisible to regular folks.

Typically, his powers are supposed to increase with moonlight. But in reality, his abilities depend entirely on Konshu's mood.

When the moon god is feeling generous, Moon Knight can be powerful even during the day or in outer space. But if Khonshu's not in the mood, Moon Knight might struggle.

In the best of times, Moon Knight's healing abilities can make him nearly immortal. But there's a catch—Khonshu is like a greedy boss who constantly tries to squeeze more out of Moon Knight. He's always pushing his limits, never giving him a break.

Chu Cheng started noticing something. A common trait among heroes is that their power levels can vary widely. Take Batman, for example. When he's at his weakest, he might struggle against street thugs, like in the "Earth One" comics. But when he's at his strongest, he becomes a multiverse level threat.

Moon Knight is similar. When Khonshu's power is strong, Moon Knight can take on an entire team of Avengers by himself. But when his divine powers are low, he might lose to a common street criminal.

Chu Cheng observed that the characters he could summon from his hero pool seemed to be in a middle range—not too weak, but not at their peak either. The same applied to Moon Knight.

Later on, when he unlocks a more advanced hero pool, he might be able to summon even stronger versions of these heroes.

One of the most intriguing things about Moon Knight is his multiple personalities. In the MCU TV series, he has three different personalities: a seasoned mercenary, a mild-mannered museum gift shop worker, and a hot-headed driver. Each personality has its own soul and life, leading to constant internal conflicts.

But beyond the character complexity, Chu Cheng was more interested in how effective Moon Knight would be in a fight.

So, it was time to test his new favorite heroes again and see who would be the lucky target tonight.

Green Arrow was the first one to be chosen. Chu Cheng quickly found a pickpocket who had just stolen a bag on the street.

While this target wasn't much of a challenge, Chu Cheng thought it would be a good test of Green Arrow's accuracy.

After all, the pickup was fast and knew how to run. So, Chu Cheng positioned Green Arrow on a balcony above the street, took aim, and let the arrow fly...


The arrow flew through the air and hit its target perfectly.


The pickpocket, who had been running full speed, suddenly felt a sharp pain and fell to the ground, screaming in agony.

The people nearby were terrified when they saw an arrow hit its mark, leaving blood all over the ground.

They felt a shiver down their spines, like a cold wind blowing through.

Someone with sharp eyes caught a glimpse of the archer. Even though it was dark and hard to see clearly, they said the hero with the bow was wearing a green hood, making it clear it was Green Arrow.

In all honesty, Chu Cheng didn't mean to kill the guy Green Arrow had aimed at. 

Chu Cheng had played a lot of archery games before, but this was his first time using a bow in this game, so he was still getting the hang of it. He actually aimed for the legs...

People make mistakes, especially when they're new to something. Chu Cheng was just playing a game, not trying to be some expert marksman.

Chu Cheng figured that if any future missions required precise arrow shots or sniping, Green Arrow could come in handy. But beyond that, Green Arrow was just okay.

To be fair, Green Arrow is at least one of Star City's wealthiest figures. He might not be as rich as Bruce Wayne, but he's still loaded.

Yet, even with all that money, he doesn't wear a bulletproof vest when he goes out to fight. You could say he's confident in his skills and agility, but it's pretty embarrassing when he gets shot in the show...

So, Chu Cheng swapped Green Arrow out for Daredevil, the team's main tracker.

Green Arrow's ability to track events was too limited compared to Daredevil. If Chu Cheng wanted to track missions and events quickly, Daredevil was the better choice.

With Daredevil on the case, the city suddenly became alive with activity. Under the surface of the seemingly calm city, trouble was brewing every night, with conspiracies unfolding and criminals awaiting justice.

All Chu Cheng needed was a pair of sharp ears.

Not long after when Daredevil passed by, a rooftop notification popped up.

Chu Cheng stopped the devil and listened closely to what was going on.

The sound came from deep underground in an alley, and only Daredevil's superhearing could pick it up.

"That grocery store again? The owner… Was it Big Liu? How long has he been behind on protection payments?"

"Over a month. Tch, I heard he saw that signal one night—yeah, the Bat-Signal on the clouds. Then he suddenly stopped cooperating, like Batman told him not to be scared or something."

"Ha, it sounds like someone needs a refresher on the basic rules around here. Send a crew over and let them know the consequences of not paying us—we'll make an example out of him."

"Got it…"

Chu Cheng narrowed his eyes.

They just found their next target.