Chapter 77: Farming A Gang

The afterimage through the hall like a whirlwind of white. Under Chu Cheng's control, Moon Knight leaped into the air, his white cape stretching out behind him like a crescent moon.

First up was a flying kick. When the kick landed, Chu Cheng could almost hear the bone-crushing impact through the screen.

The guy screamed and was sent flying dozens of feet away, with half of his body lodged into the wall.

Next, Moon Knight pulled the crescent moon symbol off his chest, revealing it to be a sharp dart. It was paper-thin but razor-sharp, gleaming gold under the hall's fluorescent lights.

Moon Knight threw it casually, and the dart sliced through the air like a bird of prey, slashing a gangster's neck.

As the blood spurted, Moon Knight darted toward another target, caught the flying weapon, and slashed another throat with precision.

He moved so fast that the gangsters only realized what was happening when the attack was nearly over. They quickly turned their guns on him, hoping to lock onto their target.

Three of them, standing behind Moon Knight, hurriedly raised their guns and fired. But as the bullets hit the cape, they bounced off harmlessly.

Moon Knight turned around coolly, shook his cape, and sent the bullets flying back, turning the three shooters into human sieves.

All the gangsters in the hall—no matter how tough they were—stood wide-eyed in disbelief.

"Did... did this guy just reflect the bullets back!?" one of them stammered.

What was this, some kind of matrix reference?

They had no idea what kind of weird power this was. Suddenly, the trigger on their guns felt heavy, and none of them dared to pull it anymore.

But Moon Knight wasn't about to stop just because they did. In a flash, he was in front of another thug, a flash of golden light in his hand. Blood sprayed as the man dropped dead on the spot.

A burly man, over seven feet tall, stepped forward with a crowbar and swung it at Moon Knight's head with all his might.

The impact was powerful enough to bend the crowbar, and the backlash nearly knocked it out of the guy's hands.

But Moon Knight, who had taken the blow straight to the head, slowly turned around. His piercing gaze, projected from under his white mask, locked onto the burly man's face.

The big man felt a dangerous chill. He took a half-step back, instinctively hiding the bent crowbar behind his back, trying to play it off like, "Hey, man, just kidding."

But Moon Knight wasn't having it.

He reached out and shoved the man's chest and unleashed a force like a speeding truck. The big guy was sent flying, smashing through the wall and leaving a human-shaped hole behind.

The rest of the thugs were stunned.

What... what is this guy!?

As the saying goes, people fear the unknown the most. When something defies all the rules you know, you can't understand it; you can't fight it.

All you can do is sink into fear and watch yourself get swallowed up.

And that's exactly what they were dealing with.

By now, Moon Knight had upgraded from just some weirdo in a strange outfit to a terrifying monster in their eyes.

Chu Cheng was starting to realize just how powerful Moon Knight really was.

In the original comics, Moon Knight's strength was linked to the moon's phases—sometimes he was as strong as Thor, other times not so much.

Chu Cheng wasn't sure what level of power this Moon Knight had when he first started using him.

But now it seemed like this version of Moon Knight was about as strong as Captain America, at the super-soldier level.

What really set him apart was his super self-healing ability, granted by the lunar armor. Even after taking a bullet, he could still brush it off and keep fighting.

No wonder Moon Knight wore that bright white suit in the middle of the night. When you're that strong, you don't need to sneak around—you just take down your enemies head-on.

A real man uses an eye-catching color scheme to let his enemies know he's coming and that they're finished.

Then Chu Cheng noticed a new prompt on the screen, saying that pressing the Caps Lock button would switch between Moon Knight's primary and secondary personalities.

Curious, he pressed the button.

Suddenly, Moon Knight's image on the screen changed. The flowing white cape disappeared, and the sleek, white armor turned into something entirely else.

...Colonel Sanders?

The teenagers in the room were just as stunned.

One second, they were facing an unstoppable white god of death. The next, the guy in front of them looked like the Colonel from KFC, complete with a goofy hood on his head.

There's a saying that at least 20% of a hero's coolness comes from their cape. Whether that's true or not, losing the cape left Moon Knight looking like a weirdo in white tights with a crescent moon on his forehead.

This was Moon Knight's second personality, Steven Grant.

Chu Cheng didn't stop there. After switching personalities, he kept hitting the attack button. Moon Knight, now in his white suit, rushed forward, grabbed a stick, and knocked a thug out cold with a single blow.

In Steven's personality, Moon Knight didn't use deadly darts. Instead, he fought with two sticks.

Steven Grant, as the Moon Knight, is a real gentleman, like the heroes in classic American comics. One big thing about him is that he doesn't kill people.

Chu Cheng quickly realized that when playing as this version of Moon Knight, he could confidently combo moves without worrying about dying.

Steven's version of Moon Knight is a bit weaker, but he wasn't sure if it was because Steven was holding back or if this form just wasn't as strong. He noticed that Steven's strength and stamina were lower than in the other forms.

Steven's fighting skills were also less impressive, relying mostly on Moon Knight's natural physical abilities rather than any advanced combat techniques. It felt like this version of Moon Knight was included just to add some variety to the game.

Chu Cheng tried switching personalities again, and the appearance of Moon Knight changed once more.

This time, Moon Knight looked more like the original character but with a darker, more intense vibe. His face was completely hidden in shadow, making him seem more powerful and menacing.

This was Jack Lockley, Moon Knight's third and most violent personality. Chu Cheng quickly noticed that this version was much stronger, and his fighting style was brutal and aggressive.

Unlike the other versions, Jack had no restrictions on his moves. Breaking bones, twisting necks—nothing was off limits. He only had to click the mouse a few times, and the enemies on the screen were torn to bloody pieces.

Chu Cheng figured out that the three personalities each had their own strengths. The main personality was balanced, while Steven's personality was the weakest but the most energy-efficient, ideal for dealing with less dangerous enemies. Jack's personality was the strongest but also the most energy-draining and dangerous to use because his brutal moves could easily kill enemies.

With his new understanding of the different Moon Knight forms, Chu Cheng started actively seeking out gangs to fight in the middle of the night instead of waiting for them to come to him.

For the next few nights, the local gangs lived in fear. One gang leader in particular, who had been shot by Green Arrow at the beginning, was especially traumatized.

On Monday night, Green Arrow suddenly appeared out of nowhere, beat up the entire gang, and promised to return the next day.

Sure enough, Green Arrow came back the next day. Even though the gang leader had prepared by gathering more weapons and extra muscle, it was useless. Green Arrow took them down again, and the extra muscle only gave him more experience points.

Chu Cheng was thrilled with the progress. Before leaving, he even joked that he was satisfied with the service and would be back again.

On Wednesday, the gang ran into Batgirl, Cassandra, who beat them even more severely.

By Thursday, the gang leader had had enough. He decided to abandon their current hideout and move to a new location.

But Chu Cheng had anticipated this. When he had controlled Green Arrow earlier, he had placed trackers on the gang leader and his car. In the middle of the night, he tracked them down.

This time, it wasn't Green Arrow or Batgirl, but it was Moon Knight who showed up in his most deadly form. The gang leader and his men were beaten up even worse than before.

Although Chu Cheng didn't use Jack's personality every time, the main personality of Moon Knight was still lethal. But under Chu Cheng's careful control, he avoided killing anyone outright.

Chu Cheng continued farming the same gang for experience points and practicing his new hero moves. He was having a blast, but he overlooked one thing.

He had been targeting the same gang every day, so much so that by Friday, they were completely fed up.

That morning, the gang leader hobbled into the local sheriff's office on crutches, with a cast on his leg.

The sheriff on duty was surprised. This gang leader was a notorious criminal on the department's blacklist. Seeing him show up voluntarily was shocking. But what was up with the crutches and the cast?

Before the sheriff could say anything, the gang leader pulled out a small black book. Trembling, he said, "Officer, this book contains all the evidence of my crimes over the years—smuggling, arson, you name it. I'm begging you to charge me with everything, lock me up, and throw away the key. It's too dangerous out there—I'm never coming out again."