Chapter 83: Main Mission?

Chu Cheng saw a bright red mark on his map for the first time. The mark was larger and more eye-catching than usual, hinting that this was something special.

In typical games, bright and large markers usually point to important missions. But since his current game is a bit unusual, he wasn't sure if it had any main quests.

From his past experiences, Chu Cheng figured out that these markers might not be from the game's system but from the hero character he was controlling.

It could be something he noticed while flying by, overheard, or something else. Usually, if the hero senses something important, a marker will show up on the map.

This was the first time Chu Cheng saw such a marker, so he had to check it out. He uploaded the data for comparison and then used Batman to climb up a building. With his cape spread out like bat wings, he disappeared into the night.

The marker wasn't far away. It didn't take long for Batman to find it by moving stealthily across rooftops.

Using detective mode, Batman spotted an old building below. The paint was peeling off, and a bunch of cars were parked outside. Black-clad soldiers with guns were standing around.

In Batman's detective mode, Chu Cheng saw Chen Meiyue among them.

Is there a special operation happening here?

Chu Cheng remembered that he—or rather, Batman—had access to the special service database. He checked his wrist computer and quickly found out what was going on.

The service was holding an event that night. They had received reports about a possible infected person, who was believed to be highly dangerous. Tonight was the planned capture.

This showed Chu Cheng that the service was still actively dealing with threats.

They weren't just sending agents in to search room by room. Instead, they used tear gas to drive the infected person out of the building. When the infected woman with wild hair smashed through a window and ran outside, she was hit by powerful stun grenades. This made her temporarily lose her senses and fall to the ground.

Although these weapons had some effect, the infected were tough and could recover quickly.

But the mobile team didn't give her a chance. They unleashed a barrage of bullets that tore into her, causing her to collapse and twitch on the ground.

The infected were strong, but they had limits. After the gunfire stopped, the woman's body was severely damaged, and she struggled to move.

Chu Cheng noticed something unusual: the woman was muttering, "No, you can't. No one can take her. I won't allow it." It was similar to what he heard from the Yoshimura couple.

Eventually, the woman used up her last bit of strength and lay still.

The service would now handle the situation, containing and assessing the infection. Unlike the earlier case of a less dangerous infection, this one seemed hopeless.

Chu Cheng wondered why such a simple operation was marked so prominently. Was it because the asylum was making a big effort for this capture?

Chang Liang, a member of the mobile team, stood alert. Even though they had captured their target, he stayed vigilant.

In Secret Service Nine, it's crucial to never let your guard down.

They often face situations that defy explanation, and unexpected changes can happen, even after the mission seems to be over. Field agents must stay sharp and be ready for anything.

Chang Liang's vigilance proved necessary. As he glanced at Chen Meiyue, the team leader, he was startled.

Behind her, he saw a pair of ghostly hands and a rotten head resting on her shoulder, staring at him with sinister eyes.

Chang Liang quickly raised his gun, but Chen Meiyue and her team looked at him, puzzled.

"Agent Chang Liang, what's going on?" Chen Meiyue asked coldly.

Chang Liang was shocked to see the head had vanished. There was no one behind Chen Meiyue now.

"I..." Chang Liang began, but he didn't know how to explain.

Chen Meiyue frowned. This was unusual. While field agents in Secret Service Nine were usually highly resistant to infections, sometimes even they could be affected. But this was rare and not a major concern.

She was about to reassure him when her headset crackled with urgent communication.

"Team leader!"

An agent's voice was frantic.


Chen Meiyue turned to see that an infected person had suddenly appeared behind their team, causing chaos. Some agents were shooting, while others had switched to hand-to-hand combat as they were overwhelmed.

Chen Meiyue was confused. They had thoroughly checked the area and evacuated nearby residents. How had so many infected people appeared?

In the midst of the battle, she had to act quickly. "Third group, use C formation! Everyone else, support—"

Before she could finish, she was interrupted.

"Infected people appearing! Fifth group needs support!"

Chen Meiyue turned to see another infected person attacking from a different direction. An agent was pinned down, struggling to fight off the attacker.

It was an ambush. She didn't know if their movements had been tracked or if they had been set up from the start, but as captain, she had to stay calm. They needed to stabilize the situation.

"All units—"

She didn't get to finish. The ground suddenly shook violently. Buildings around them seemed to crumble as cracks spread rapidly. Houses sank into the earth, and thick smoke filled the air.

From the cracks emerged huge, writhing tentacles, some wrapping around buildings, others burrowing back into the ground. A massive, terrifying creature slowly emerged from below.