Chapter 114: A miracle single pull

A few minutes later, Spider-Man had tied up the two who tried to run and tossed them back onto the roof alongside the one Batman had already caught.

Although these three were infected, the infection wasn't severe enough to warrant being taken out on the spot. If Secret Service Nine could get them back in time, they might still be saved.

Recently, Sloan Technologies had become a major focus for Secret Service Nine, and things were so tense that one wrong move could blow up a building. It was clear that special agents were probably already on their way.

But before that, Chu Cheng had time to figure out what was going on.

Since their infection wasn't severe, they could still feel pain. Plus, after the scare they'd just been through, they spilled everything they knew once Batman gave them a little "encouragement" with some rough treatment.

It turned out these three were part of a nearby gang. They said they'd been hired to keep watch on the secret entrance to the chairman's office across the way. Their job was to detonate explosives as soon as that door was activated.

Their low-level infection likely made them easier to control, turning them into pawns for someone else.

But they'd never met their boss directly and had no idea who it was. They had contact information on their phones, but the number had been disconnected.

These guys were just disposable pawns, and there wasn't much more to learn from them.

But maybe the chairman of Sloan Technologies would know something.

Chairman Sloan was nowhere to be found—neither at home nor at the office. His phone was off, and he was basically unreachable. But that wasn't a problem for someone with Batman's skills. After tracking Sloan's car, Chu Cheng quickly pinpointed a resort in the suburbs.

When Batman found Sloan in a bedroom, the old chairman was wrapped up in bed with a beautiful blonde, clearly not studying foreign languages. Considering their activities, it seemed more like they were exploring the mysteries of biology.

Batman's sudden entrance had a pretty terrifying effect. Sloan was in the middle of his "workout," but the shock of Batman kicking in the door left him too scared to finish. The pain of having his "skills" interrupted so suddenly is something only a guy could understand.

The blonde woman was terrified. She jumped out of bed and cowered in the corner, shaking with fear.

Facial recognition quickly identified her, and Chu Cheng lost interest. She was just a girl hired to entertain guests at the resort.

Batman ignored the frightened woman and dragged Sloan, who had been knocked out with one punch, outside.

When Sloan woke up, he found himself hanging upside down from the edge of a cliff at the villa, just like Professor Snape in that famous scene. The bright moon was high in the sky, and beneath him was a bottomless abyss filled with clouds and smoke.

Sloan screamed and kicked his legs, panicking. He wasn't in the best shape for this kind of situation—more used to lounging around than working out.

Because he was upside down, things got a little messy.

Chu Cheng was glad he didn't have to be there in person and couldn't smell what was happening through the screen. Watching someone scream in fear can be awkward enough.

"Talk," Batman commanded, crouching on the edge of the cliff. His black cape flapped in the moonlight, making him look like a menacing vampire.

Sloan was scared out of his mind. "What do you want to know? I'll tell you anything! You want money? I'll give you whatever you want!"

Chu Cheng couldn't help but feel disdain for how quickly Sloan folded. This guy was so spineless that he caved before Batman even really started. It was as disappointing as finishing a video game too quickly.

That wasn't good enough. Chu Cheng decided he needed to see some classic Batman-style bungee interrogation.

Batman let go, and Sloan screamed as he fell into the abyss. Just when he thought it was all over, he felt a sudden jerk on his legs as the bungee cord tightened, yanking him back up.

"I want the truth," Batman growled in his deep, hoarse voice. "If you lie to me."

"The truth! The absolute truth!" Sloan sobbed, thinking, "Why are you doing this to me? I wasn't going to lie!

Even though people say that nine out of ten things capitalists say are lies, they also know when to play it smart. Sloan was a prime example of this, turning into a full-on answer machine when pressed. He didn't hold back and told everything he knew.

However, Chu Cheng quickly realized that the information Sloan had was limited.

Sure, Sloan was involved in all sorts of shady stuff—eating, drinking, gambling, laundering money, and dealing with gangsters—but he was just an ordinary guy, not someone infected with anything.

The weirdest part? Sloan claimed he didn't know anything about a secret room hidden in his office.

"You're saying you didn't know there was a hidden room in your office?" Batman asked.

"Really, absolutely true!" Sloan sounded panicked, like even he found it hard to believe, and he was scared Batman would drop him again if he didn't buy it.

"I hadn't even heard of it until you just told me!"

It sounded like nonsense, but Sloan was sweating bullets, and Batman's lie detector confirmed he was telling the truth.

"Wait, maybe…" Sloan suddenly remembered something.

"Maybe what?"

"Ah, no, it's nothing... That's ridiculous... I'm probably overthinking, Uh, ahh!"

Before he could finish, Sloan found himself in free fall again, screaming as he was yanked back up by the fiber cable.

This bungee-style interrogation was really starting to grow on Chu Cheng. Now he got why Batman liked it—it was kind of fun.

"Yeah... it's a girl! She told me she was a college student!" Sloan shouted. "She's the only one besides me who has the key to the office! Her name is Xu Ruowei. I can give you her contact info and address if you need it."

It wasn't much, but it was something.

Later that night, Batman followed the lead to the girl's place.

Unfortunately, she wasn't there anymore.

And it wasn't like she'd just left; it seemed like she hadn't been there in a while. Batman's detective mode picked up some footprints near the entrance, but they were a few days old, so it wasn't clear if they'd lead anywhere.

Batman returned to the Batcave and uploaded the clues to the Batcomputer for analysis and comparison. Chu Cheng logged off with a long yawning.

It had been another long night, and before he knew it, it was already 2 AM. He really needed to get some sleep.

But before calling it a night, Chu Cheng opened the in-game store to cash in the points he'd earned. There weren't any boss fights tonight, but there had been plenty of smaller battles, so he'd managed to rack up a decent amount of hero points, just enough for a few pulls.

But now he wasn't expecting any miracles or lucky breaks. It was all just fake. After a few rounds, most of what he got was junk like Wolverine's claws or other random items with no real use...

...What the heck!?

Suddenly, there was a burst of golden light. As the items floated in the middle of the teleportation circle, flashing with lightning and brilliance, Chu Cheng's eyes widened, and he could hardly believe what he was seeing.

He rubbed his eyes, hoping it was just exhaustion from gaming and playing tricks on him.

Was that really a lot of money?

Chu Cheng hesitated for a moment before pressing the "summon button."

The next second, the doorbell rang.

Chu Cheng went to the living room and opened the front door.

Standing there was a girl with flawless skin, red hair, and delicate, beautiful features. She wore an off-white skirt that hugged her hips and black stockings that showed off her slender legs. She stood with a polite and graceful posture.

"Hi sir, I'm Friday," she said with a smile. "How can I help you?"