Chapter 116: Super Assistant Friday

Chu Cheng was surprised.

Even though it's well known that Stark's super-smart assistant, Friday, is extremely capable, it was still unexpected to learn that she could also handle cooking. 

It makes sense, though. If Friday can learn anything, she could easily master cooking. Stark, being a high-tech billionaire, probably wouldn't use his advanced tech for something as simple as making meals.

So, Chu Cheng decided to try the meal, and his eyes lit up with amazement. It was like discovering something new and exciting.

"I analyzed your past year's food choices," Friday explained. "I looked at your favorite restaurants and dishes, and then I calculated your taste preferences."

As she spoke, a transparent screen appeared out of nowhere, showing precise details about the ingredients and seasonings, looking more like a secret formula than a recipe.

This augmented reality screen, similar to the ones seen in Stark's lab in movies, amazed Chu Cheng. Friday had a projection system built into her that could display holograms from her palm.

"If something doesn't taste right, let me know, and I can adjust it," she offered.

"No, it's perfect," Chu Cheng replied, impressed. He didn't expect such scientific precision in cooking. He realized that his usual food choices are fairly consistent because he tends to eat at a few favorite places regularly.

Friday must have analyzed his eating habits and created a recipe just for him.

While enjoying the best breakfast he could remember, Friday approached him and projected another screen, this time showing some documents.

Chu Cheng noticed that these were files sent from the Ninth Office the day before, including some tasks he needed to complete. Since he had a relaxed deadline, he hadn't started the work yet.

Looking at the screen, he saw that all the files were already organized.

"I took care of your work while you were resting," Friday said. "I hope you don't mind."

"Not at all," Chu Cheng said, pleased.

Chu Cheng's biggest dream was to wake up one day and find that someone could handle everything for him. When that dream came true, he was so excited he wanted to hug Friday and give him a big kiss. Why not?

"By the way, I think you might have forgotten the homework for the online class. I downloaded the assignment from your course group chat."

The screen on Friday's palm flickered, and a new folder opened with an assignment file named after his name, class, and student number.

This is what modern teachers call an assignment. In other words, Friday not only helped him with the wiring assignment but even changed the title format as required. As soon as Xianyu, the master, approved, Friday would submit it immediately. Xianyu hadn't even seen the homework yet.

"Sir, if you think I'm being too pushy or if there are things you'd rather handle yourself, just let me know."

"It's okay, this is perfect," Chu Cheng said with a smile.

Before, he thought Stark, the tech genius, must be thrilled to have all his daily needs managed by high-tech gadgets. But now he realized he was wrong.

Most people can't even imagine the luxury Stark enjoys.

Unlike Jarvis, the butler-like AI, Friday acts more like Stark's electronic secretary while also handling housekeeping tasks. A good secretary has to take care of everything and anticipate all sorts of needs. Sometimes, the boss expects the secretary to handle many tasks proactively.

An artificial intelligence programmer from another planet would never dream of achieving such advanced AI technology, but Iron Man's tech makes it possible.

Marvel Earth's technology seems to be a bit out of whack. While Earth's technology is considered primitive compared to the rest of the universe, with Earthlings being like primitive natives stuck on their own planet, there are exceptions. Iron Man, Mister Fantastic, and other tech geniuses from Earth can create incredible weapons that could scare even the gods of the universe. It's like there's some secret deal with the 22nd-century tech gods.

So, Marvel's Earth technology might be oddly advanced in some areas, thanks to a few geniuses like Stark, despite the average human tech being far behind.

Chu Cheng finished his breakfast comfortably, watching Friday tidy up. For the first time, he felt like he was living the life of a rich person.

He even wondered if dressing Friday up in a maid outfit would complete the fantasy.

Then his expression suddenly changed.

Wait, if she's going through her computer and internet data for unfinished work and homework, doesn't that mean


The girl stopped what she was doing and turned around respectfully.

"I'm here, sir."

"Have you seen my hard drive?"

"Yes, sir. But don't worry, your'study materials' are safe, as is your browsing history."

As Friday spoke, she flashed a slightly mischievous smile and winked at him.

Chu Cheng: "..."

Elsewhere, in a room at an undisclosed location.

A round table with six chairs. Five were occupied, and one was empty.

"I heard someone's safe house was exposed last night."

A woman's voice came from the shadows. A tail-like object swayed behind her chair in the darkness.

"It was a minor setback, nothing major," said the woman across from her lazily. "My team destroyed the room to leave no trace."

"But your people were caught."

"Just disposable pawns."

The woman across from her smiled lightly and leaned into the light, revealing her pretty but extremely pale face.

Chen Meiyue, a senior agent of Secret Service Nine.

"Pawns like these," she said with a smile, "are replaceable."

The woman in the shadows said nothing. She gently stroked the tail-like object in her hand.

"Now is a critical time, and we need to be more cautious," a strong, tall man said aloud. "But at this crucial moment, we've lost an important member..."

He paused, glancing at the empty seat beside the table.

"He's right."

Another man spoke from the table. He leaned back in his chair, with several tentacles stretching out behind him, moving silently in the darkness.

"Dreamwalker's fall should be a wake-up call. He underestimated the enemy and paid the price. We need to take this as a warning; we can't afford to lose anyone else."

"Dreamwalker was dull."

Chen Meiyue chuckled softly.

"He never knew how to appreciate."

The woman with the tail cast a sideways glance at Chen Meiyue from the shadows.


"I think the point is, you're being too flashy."

"Don't worry, I'm aware," Chen Meiyue replied casually.

The woman glanced at her with some irritation.

"It looks like you really like showing off," the woman said angrily. "Aren't you going to reveal your true self here too?"

"Huh? What are you talking about? I don't understand."

Chen Meiyue leaned back in her chair, her long legs clad in boots, propped up on the table.

"This is my real face."


"Alright, that's enough."

At the head of the round table, the man who had been quiet until now spoke up. He straightened up, his face emerging from the shadows.

The most wanted person on the Secret Service Nine's list is the rogue agent, Leng Ji.

"The awakening of 'Key' is speeding up. It should be complete in two days," he said. "I need everyone to stay alert."

As he spoke, his gaze moved over everyone in the room.

The others fell silent. Even Chen Meiyue put her legs down and resumed a more formal sitting position, looking sweet.

"Whether it's Captain America, Batman, or any other heroes in costumes," Leng Ji said, "no one is allowed to interfere with the awakening process. We don't need any distractions.

So keep a low profile for now. Is that clear?"

Although he was speaking to everyone, his gaze was clearly focused on Chen Meiyue.

"Yes, I understand."

Chen Meiyue gave him a sweet smile.

"Who made you the boss?"