Chapter 122: He is here

After his first month in Secret Service No. 9, Luo Yajun found out that they had their own list of wanted criminals.

But unlike the Police Department or Intelligence Bureau, Secret Service No. 9 had its own way of ranking these criminals. Their main job was to handle extraordinary events, stop the spread of infections, and deal with the sources of those infections. So, their wanted list was based on that.

Because of this, their list wasn't very long and didn't get updated often. Infected people or those trafficking infected items don't get much of a chance to escape. They're either caught quickly or dealt with on the spot, leaving them no time to make it onto the list.

But there was one person who everyone in Secret Service No. 9 knew. He'd been at the top of the list since the organization was created, and no one had ever taken his place.

That person was named Leng Ji.

He was once the legend of the whole department, a role model that every agent aspired to be. But one day, during a mission, he brutally killed all his teammates and innocent people. Overnight, he went from being a hero to the worst traitor in history.

After that, it was like he vanished into thin air. Even with Secret Service No. 9's eyes and ears everywhere, no one ever found a trace of him.

But his name stayed at the top of the most wanted list, silently mocking everyone in the organization.

Until today.

Since Luo Yajun joined Secret Service No. 9, Leng Ji's name has always been at the top of the list. So, he had never met him—until now.

According to the wanted list, Leng Ji was supposed to be an ordinary agent. Sure, he had rare skills and was exceptionally talented, but he was still just an agent.

But looking at him now, with the power to knock back Moon Knight, he didn't seem ordinary at all.

Luo Yajun pointed his machine gun at Leng Ji. "Leng Ji's phantom?"

He remembered that Leng Ji's phantom used to look just like him, and it had caused a lot of trouble by tricking cameras with his face.

Based on the skills and explosive power he just witnessed, Luo Yajun was starting to think this guy might be a phantom, not just someone infected.

"Detective Luo Yajun," Leng Ji said.

"You know who I am?"

"Of course. Your style is unforgettable."

"Really? Then you must know I prefer action over words."

Before he even finished speaking, Luo Yajun opened fire with his machine gun. He wanted to catch Leng Ji off guard, and it worked—all the bullets hit their mark. But instead of piercing through, the bullets just rattled off Leng Ji's body and fell to the ground, flattened and harmless.

No way... Are bullets not working?

Such physical strength was rare. Even with the toughest enemies, they might shrug off a bullet or heal quickly, but they couldn't outright block bullets with their bodies. Even the known phantoms couldn't do that. The crazed Luo Shiyuan or Fana's red phantom might not feel much from a few bullets, but they weren't bulletproof.

Then Leng Ji moved.

Faster than the Red Phantom, he was already in front of Luo Yajun before he could react. Instinctively, Luo Yajun crossed his arms in front of him, transforming his equipment into a shield.

A powerful punch slammed into the shield, sending a shockwave through it. Luo Yajun felt his arms go numb as the force lifted him off the ground like a thrown shot.

The other agents opened fire, aiming and pulling the trigger. But Leng Ji moved so fast that their bullets only tore through his afterimage. The few that hit him didn't penetrate, instead flattening and falling to the ground with a metallic clasp.

Suddenly, three agents were sent flying, blood spraying from their mouths. Even through their combat uniforms and armor, they felt like their internal organs had been pummeled.

Leng Ji broke through their formation like a knife, cutting into the middle of the team. He was clever—he made sure to position himself so that there were teammates behind every gun line, forcing the agents to hold their fire for fear of hitting each other. This strategy left them with no choice but to engage in close combat, which was exactly what Leng Ji wanted.

But that was a bad idea.

When he was a regular agent, Leng Ji broke all sorts of records in the department. Whether it was weapons training or hand-to-hand combat, he was unmatched. Now, with his abilities somehow enhanced, he was even deadlier.

In just a few moves, several agents were down. Leng Ji was so fast that by the time the agents realized he was in front of them, they were already on the ground.

Leng Ji's power was overwhelming. An experienced agent tried to defend himself, raising his arm just in time to block a brutal kick.

Even though he was ready, the kick nearly shattered his arm, sending him flying across the room. He lay there, unable to move.

Leng Ji's straight kick hit another agent square in the chest, launching him into a wall so hard that it cracked.

Two other agents tried to catch him from the sides, each attacking with knives. But Leng Ji barely glanced at them.

He effortlessly redirected their blades, causing them to stab each other instead. Then, with two quick punches, he sent both agents flying, blood spraying from their mouths.

His sheer strength, speed, and fighting skills made him look unstoppable—like an invincible God of War.

"I've been at this for a while, and the Secret Service still hasn't improved," Leng Ji muttered to himself. "No wonder I don't expect much from them."


A shotgun blast hit Leng Ji in the side, staggering him for a moment. He quickly zeroed in on Agent Luo Yajun, who had fired the shot.

"Nice aim," Leng Ji said, dodging Luo Yajun's next shot and lunging toward him.

Luo Yajun knew that at close range, firearms were less effective than blades, especially against someone as skilled as Leng Ji. So, instead of firing again, he swung a knife at Leng Ji, who was rushing forward.

Luo Yajun had heard of Leng Ji before—he knew this former ace agent had once been a champion fighter in the department before he defected.

But that was a long time ago. Luo Yajun considered himself well-versed in combat and was confident he could take on this outdated champion.

However, Leng Ji didn't bother to dodge. He grabbed Luo Yajun's arm with incredible precision, using a strength that was almost inhuman. With one move, Leng Ji redirected the knife, forcing Luo Yajun to stab himself in the lower abdomen.

Luo Yajun flinched, stunned by how quickly the fight had turned. He hadn't expected to be overpowered so easily.

Is this guy really that strong?

Almost simultaneously, a red light flashed from the side. A phantom in red silently appeared behind Leng Ji, reaching out with bony fingers. But Leng Ji didn't even turn around. He simply reached back and grabbed the phantom by the neck, lifting it off the ground.

With a powerful sidekick, Leng Ji sent the phantom flying into the wall, causing a loud crash.

Luo Yajun, clutching the wound in his abdomen, carefully pulled the knife out. He grated his teeth. "What the hell are you, a monster?"

This guy was on a completely different level from any other enemy they had faced.

After a few rounds, Luo Yajun realized that his team couldn't handle Leng Ji—not with their current gear and setup.

If they were going to take this guy down, their best chance was...

Suddenly, the lights went out, plunging the underground space into darkness.

Luo Yajun smirked in the dark. "Damn, he is here."