Chapter 128: Breakfast And Plans

Friday's breakfast was pretty good. It wasn't anything fancy, just a simple meal made with basic ingredients.

Two eggs, a slice of ham, shredded carrots, and a mix of shrimp and chopped green onions. The tortilla was fried until golden brown, making it look and smell amazing.

Chu Cheng loved the eggs, especially when they were spread all over the burrito, soaking the whole thing in a rich, eggy flavor.

The ingredients and seasonings were chosen specifically to match his taste, and every bite made him happy.

"I based this on the thirteen times you ordered the rougamo at 'Chen Ji Old Noodles' and the burritos from the window on the third floor of your school cafeteria. I've also adjusted it to fit your taste better.

If you're not satisfied or think it could be better, just let me know, and I'll tweak the recipe next time."

"No, it's perfect," Chu Cheng said with a smile, his mouth full of ham and sauce.

Even though it was made with simple ingredients, the taste really hit the spot. If he could, he'd give Friday's cooking a four-star review right now. Why not five stars? Well, he thought four stars would keep them trying to improve.

If the saying is true that the way to a man's heart is through his stomach, then Chu Cheng felt like he was about to be completely won over by Friday's cooking. Compared to this, the Rougamo from Chen Ji didn't even come close. Next time, he might leave a message for the vendor, thanking them for the inspiration that led to this amazing meal.

As Chu Cheng ate, he scrolled through his phone and checked the exclusive app from the lunatic asylum. He had a message from Tang Li.

Tang Li was his boss at the asylum and usually gave him some clerical work. Of course, since Chu Cheng was still a part-time intern and a college student, they didn't trust him with anything really important. So, the tasks he got were mostly unimportant paperwork.

Chu Cheng originally planned to quickly review the work Friday had prepared for him next week, so he glanced at the documents. But after a few seconds of looking at the complicated tables and dense text, he decided to close it and nodded approvingly to Friday, telling him it was well done.

Usually, Friday handled tasks better than Chu Cheng, so he only needed to browse and confirm that it was what the higher-ups wanted without accidentally sending over something unrelated, like study materials.

Unexpectedly, the day after submitting the work, his manager sent a message praising Chu Cheng's work.

She had expected the task to take him a week, but he finished it quickly and well. This made her see Chu Cheng in a new light, thinking he had a knack for handling materials.

Chu Cheng guessed that she was his new manager. She was polite and even seemed a bit reserved, without the usual leader's attitude. It was nice to deal with someone young, beautiful, and kind.

However, Chu Cheng was surprised by her high praise. He realized that being too efficient might attract more attention from the higher-ups. So, next time, he planned to delay submitting work until the deadline and lower the quality a bit.

Even though his current job in the Secret Service was on the outskirts of involvement, he still preferred to stay under the radar and not stand out too much.

It felt like trying to score average on a test when you already know the answers. For the quizzes, he worked hard to blend in and seem like an ordinary person.

In short, as a newcomer, the leader was very pleased with him. However, since he finished so quickly, she wasn't ready to give him more tasks yet.

She mentioned that she'd assign him a new task in a few days. In the meantime, he could relax. She also said he could reach out to her if he had any problems, like balancing work and his studies.

Chu Cheng initially thought this was just routine, but when he heard this, his eyes lit up. Maybe the Justice League could really help him out.

He remembered last semester when exams were approaching, and he had spent the whole term gaming and making videos. He panicked when exams came around, struggled to study, and barely passed, but it left him mentally exhausted.

This year, gaming and leveling up had become his main focus. Attending classes was just something he did when he needed a break. With the end of the semester approaching, he didn't think he had handled the pressure like before.

He would rely on Friday to help him; she could easily help him pass his exams so he could focus on leveling up and advancing his plans.

With his increased level from last night, Chu Cheng noticed he was physically stronger. Now, using heroes like Batman wouldn't tire him out. Only when using powerful superheroes in intense battles did he feel drained.

During breakfast, Friday appeared and projected a floating screen with a new list.

"Sir, I've noticed you use supplements to speed up recovery. But these aren't as effective as some natural alternatives. I've customized a list of recommended supplements for you. Please take a look."

"You made this?"

Chu Cheng was surprised. But considering the potential side effects of his current supplements, he thought it couldn't hurt to improve the formula. As he ate, he glanced at the list on the screen.

"Of course. Ensuring your health, sir, is part of my mission," Friday replied.

Chu Cheng looked at the list and frowned slightly.

He had the impression that most of the supplements were odd, like they were intended for something entirely else. But when he saw Fifth Sister's innocent smile, he couldn't help but think he might be overthinking it.

What bad intentions could Friday have?

"Doesn't look cheap."

"Yes, but I don't think money is an issue for you," Friday smiled.

Chu Cheng thought about it. He earned a high salary and rarely left the house. If he were short on cash, it wouldn't be for lack of trying.

"Alright, you pick what you think is best, and I'll place an order if it suits me."

"Okay, sir."

After finishing breakfast, Chu Cheng wiped his mouth and stood up. Friday cleaned up the table and asked, "I checked your class schedule, and you have classes this afternoon. Are you planning to attend?"

"Class? Of course not."

Chu Cheng grinned.

His mind was full of thoughts about the new points he earned and the new features unlocked last night. Then it was time to draw prizes from the card pool and expand his territory to explore new maps.