Chapter 131: Outmatched

Haig, who had just been punched, felt his head buzzing and spit out blood, still trying to figure out what just happened.

Even the guy standing nearby, Frank, looked completely shocked.

He had watched the whole thing, but he still couldn't understand it. In his view, Haig didn't mess up—his footwork and punches were solid. Even a top fighter wouldn't have found any flaws in that move.

On the other hand, the little girl dressed like a bat on the other side didn't have any real fighting stance. She stood there looking lazy, like she didn't even care.

Frank could see her punch clearly, but it made no sense to him.

There was no technique, no power behind it—just a straight punch. There was no footwork or body rotation—nothing that looked even remotely professional. It was simpler than a street fight punch.

Haig couldn't believe he got hit by something like that.

He didn't accept it, so he quickly got back up and tried again.

This time, he threw a punch with his right hand while faking with his left. Most people would instinctively dodge the fake, leaving them wide open for the real hit.

And even if they dodged, Haig had three more follow-up moves, each deadlier than the last. He was an expert boxer, and once someone got into his rhythm, they were in serious trouble. With his natural power, all he needed was one good hit to knock someone out.

But the girl didn't fall for his fake moves—she didn't even try to dodge.

Instead, Batgirl stepped closer, almost like she was inviting his punch.

Then she threw another straight, no-frills punch. It was simple and direct but perfectly timed to hit Haig's weak spot. It looked like she was ready to trade hits, but her punch landed on Haig's throat before his could even connect.

This hit made Haig lose all his strength, his vision blurred, and he stumbled back, clutching his throat. The girl didn't waste a second. She spun around and delivered a powerful kick to the side of his face, knocking him to the ground, out cold.

Frank was stunned.

In just a few seconds, Haig was taken out by this girl?

A girl in a bat costume?

The little bat girl walked right up to Frank.

She stretched out a small hand from under her cape and motioned for him to come at her, just like she did before.

"Hey, is Haig knocked out?" Frank sneered, taking a few slow steps forward.

"But if you think I'm going down that easily..."

Before he could finish, he made a sudden move and flicked a throwing knife at her. The timing was perfect, catching her mid-sentence to take her by surprise.

Frank wasn't an idiot. He pretended to be relaxed and arrogant, trying to make the girl lower her guard. But deep down, he knew that only a handful of people in the world could take down Haig in three to five seconds—aside from those freaky mutants.

So, even though he had no idea who this little Batgirl was, he wasn't underestimating her anymore.

Frank was a good fighter, but his real skill was in killing. He didn't care how he won, as long as he could take down his enemy.

Unfortunately for him, his little trick didn't work.

Because behind the scenes, Chu Cheng was controlling Batgirl, and he wasn't even listening to Frank. He saw a counterattack option flash on his screen, so he casually clicked the right mouse button, not even breaking a sweat.

Batgirl reached out, caught the knife flying toward her, and, with a quick flick, sent it right back the way it came. Frank, caught off guard, barely dodged his own knife and let out a gasp. 

He couldn't believe what he was seeing. It was one thing for her to dodge his attack, but to catch the knife mid-air and throw it back? This felt like something straight out of a martial arts movie.

Before he could recover, Batgirl was already in front of him.

Frank, known as "The Viper" for his skill with knives and daggers, lunged at her with his best move—a strike he had perfected over years, blending techniques from various martial arts. But Batgirl was faster. Her arm, slender but strong, moved like a snake.

Before Frank knew it, she had twisted his arm and, with a sharp snap, dislocated it. The dagger clattered to the ground.

The pain was intense, but what really shook Frank was how effortlessly she had taken him down. 

He realized she wasn't some superhuman or freakishly strong mutant. She was just an ordinary person with extraordinary skill. In just one move, she had disarmed him, something no opponent had ever done to him before.

It was as if she knew every move he was going to make before he made it. His once unpredictable techniques were now useless. To her, he was as readable as an open book, every flaw in his style magnified under her gaze.

Was this really what martial arts could do?

Just minutes ago, Frank had been full of confidence, eager to show off his mastery. Now he felt like everything he'd ever learned about fighting was worthless. Compared to this girl in a bat suit, he was nothing. 

Frank quickly backed away, ignoring the pain in his dislocated arm. He pulled out two more throwing knives with his good arm and hurled them at her. But Batgirl dodged them with ease. Taking his chance, Frank turned and bolted toward the helicopter waiting behind him.

He had to get out of here. Forget the job; forget the money. Nothing was worth dying over.

Just as he turned to run, his instincts screamed danger. He dodged to the side, just in time to see a black dart fly past him and embed itself in the helicopter.

Frank let out a nervous laugh, forcing a sarcastic comment, "Ha, not the best aim, huh?"

But then the dart's red light blink twice, and with a deafening boom, the helicopter exploded. Fire and shrapnel erupted, sending the helicopter rolling over in flames. The blast threw Frank to the ground.

Dazed, he looked at the burning wreckage of the helicopter, then at Batgirl, who was calmly walking toward him. His mouth dropped open, his body trembling from the shock.

"What the hell are you...?"