Chapter 135: Prison Break

**Secret Service Nine, Airship**

The prison for felons was one of the most heavily guarded places on the entire aircraft, except for a few rooms where dangerous materials were kept.

Usually, this prison wasn't used much because the asylum rarely had guests overnight. Most of the people they dealt with either had low-level infections and could be quickly cured, or had high-level infections and were executed on the spot.

They followed the rule that if a problem could be solved with a bullet, they wouldn't wait until tomorrow. This meant there was not much need for a high-security prison like this one.

Leng Ji might be the first important prisoner in years to stay in this VIP suite of the asylum. His situation was unique. Everyone in the asylum was worried about him and would have preferred to just shoot him to avoid the trouble.

But they couldn't simply let him die, especially after he had ordered his men to invade the asylum and steal unknown evidence last time.

Exhibit A-086 was still missing, and the organization had no idea what it was used for. They couldn't rest until they had all the information from his mind and recovered the evidence.

Standard interrogation methods usually didn't work on people like him, so their best option was memory retrieval. But there was another problem: no one could figure out if he was a ghost or an infected person.

Although the asylum had memory extraction technology, it wasn't very advanced. If he was an infected person, the extraction could cause him to self-destruct, like a hard drive with a self-destruct feature. If he was a ghost, no one knew what would happen, as they had never tried to read a ghost's memory before.

So for now, Leng Ji was kept in this luxury VIP suite. The room was equipped with restraints and heavy weights to keep him from moving.

There was also a special suppression device, praised by the old thief Miyazaki, designed to restrict his abilities. It was supposed to be effective against both ghosts and infected people, as long as it was powered.

Unfortunately, it was turned off just a minute ago.

In no time, the restraints and weights were removed. Leng Ji stepped out of his cell, stretching and smiling with cold confidence, as if everything was going according to plan.

The thick alloy door in front of him slowly opened. The complex mechanism unlocked automatically, and the heavy door panels slid open, seemingly welcoming him like a king. He walked through the door as if it were his own backyard.

The exposure of their stronghold and the loss of the dead were setbacks, but they didn't affect his overall plan.

Leng Ji realized that the masked superheroes, especially Batman, were a serious problem. He suspected Batman was behind the exposure of the stronghold and the siege by Secret Service Nine.

A devious and cunning villain hiding in the shadows. 

But it didn't matter. Leng Ji had already made a mental note of him.

The reason things went wrong last time was because I wasn't prepared, but I won't make that mistake again. The downside of using the same trick on someone is that it only works once. As the saying goes, even a saint won't fall for the same trick twice, and even a donkey won't stumble into the same hole twice.

Leng Ji was confident that with his experience and fighting skills, he'd catch Batman next time for sure. But just as he thought this, a sharp pain made him kneel, clutching his head. He recognized the feeling—an ultrasonic attack that felt like his head was being violently shaken.

Looking up, he saw Batman charging at him with electric currents crackling around his fists. Batman delivered a powerful punch, sending a shock through Leng Ji's face. The electricity made his muscles twitch uncontrollably.

The intense shock paralyzed him and made his brain spin. He staggered back, feeling disoriented. 

What's Batman doing here?

Had he been waiting outside the cell just to beat him up again?

Before he could react, another electric punch hit him on the chin, leaving Leng Ji stunned.

What the hell?

He was already dealing with a painful situation, and now this on top of it?


On the airship, Chen Meiyue, who was supposed to be in a cell, walked down a long metal hallway after the electronic lock beeped open. The door closed behind her. 

But just a few steps out, a gun was suddenly pressed against the back of her head.

"Where are you rushing off to, ma'am?" a voice said.

Chen Meiyue's eyes widened, but she quickly relaxed. She turned to see Luo Yajun standing behind her with the gun.

"I thought you'd be busy digging graves right now," she said with a light tone. "It seems I still have some homework to do. I'll need to make more complicated plans next time."

"Probably," Luo Yajun said with a blank expression. "Let me guess, you wanted to get back on the airship and free Leng Ji. But since I've been hanging around here because of my mental issues, you came to surprise me."

"Correct, but since you're here now, I'll have to take you out," Chen Meiyue said with a shrug.

"Really? What are you—"

Before Luo Yajun could finish, a powerful kick came from a blind spot, knocking him to the ground. He quickly got up and aimed his gun in the direction of the attack.

"People say you don't fall for the same trick twice. Well, I've got you twice in a few hours."

A woman stepped out of the shadows, revealing herself as Chen Meiyue. Now, there were two Chen Meiyues in front of Luo Yajun—one in front and one behind.