Chapter 142: Contingency Plan

"A contingency plan for the Phantoms?"

Chu Cheng sat at the dining table, eating breakfast prepared by Friday, while watching the meeting from the Ninth Office last night.

He couldn't help feeling a bit uneasy when he saw that the plan Li Changcheng mentioned seemed to be known only to him and the professor Miyazaki.

Even though Li Changcheng didn't reveal the details, the way he spoke made it sound like a pretty big deal. Chu Cheng had a feeling the service was about to make a major move, and he might not be privy to this secret...

"I believe Chairman Li Changcheng is referring to the 'Sentinels' plan," Friday said as the video played.

Chu Cheng raised an eyebrow. "Sentinels?" 

The name didn't seem very creative. It sounded like something from an old action movie, trying to sound dramatic.

"Considering the limited role that ordinary special agents and conventional armed forces can play against Phantom-level enemies, Professor Miyazaki proposed creating a special emergency team with the most elite forces to handle such opponents," Friday explained.

Chu Cheng frowned, thinking he had heard something like this before...

"The idea is to bring together talented agents and concentrate superior forces to tackle enemies that might be too tough for them individually," Friday continued, looking up. "It's described in the introduction."

Chu Cheng was starting to connect the dots. So, the Secret Service was planning to create its own team of Avengers?

His expression became a bit puzzled. It seemed like they were just copying what others had done. The Avengers had been formed to deal with superhumans and aliens by assembling a team of extraordinary individuals. 

But now, the Secret Service was doing the same thing. They were planning to put together their own elite team to face powerful enemies. 

When Chu Cheng looked at the file Friday hacked, he saw a few names.

One name stood out: Agent Luo Yajun, known for his extreme physical strength and combat skills. Chu Cheng remembered Luo Yajun as someone with impressive abilities, but he had always seemed more like a tough guy than a superhero.

Next was Agent Fana from Secret Service Nine, who controlled the first Phantom. Despite her abilities, she was still a young girl and seemed somewhat unreliable to Chu Cheng, though that might be an unfair judgment.

The third name on the list was highlighted in red: Liang Ye. The file photo showed a middle-aged man with brown hair, a short beard, and a confident smile.

"Liang Ye, the driver of the Phantom. Ability assessment: extremely dangerous," the file read.

Chu Cheng felt intrigued and a bit concerned. This was shaping up to be a serious operation.

It was night in a remote area. The moon shone brightly, casting a silver glow over the forest and mountains. A cold wind rustled through the trees, and mist filled the valley, adding a chill to the air. The night was deep and dark, with hardly any starlight visible.

The sound of a motorcycle cut through the silence. A rider arrived at a village and stopped at an intersection, his bike roaring before going silent. The village was shrouded in mist, and the old, dark houses looked eerie.

Liang Ye got off his bike and walked toward the village. As he approached, he saw an old man fishing by the river. The man, looking around seventy or eighty years old with a face full of wrinkles and cloudy eyes, stared blankly at the water.

"Hey, old man, how's the fishing going?" Liang Ye greeted him with a friendly smile.

The old man turned his head slowly, staring at Liang Ye with a blank expression. 

"Is this Willowdale Village?" Liang Ye asked.

The old man continued to stare silently.

"Great; it looks like I've found the right place. I'd like to stay here for the night, if that's okay."

The old man remained motionless, his gaze still fixed on Liang Ye.

"Thanks a lot! I hope you catch a big fish tonight." Liang Ye said as he walked away, leaving the old man staring after him until he disappeared into the fog.

The village seemed deserted, with dark, silent houses standing like ghosts. No light escaped from the buildings, making it look like a ghost town.

Liang Ye walked up to one of the buildings and knocked on the door. 

"Is anyone home?"

No answer.

"Alright, I'm coming in."

He pushed the door open easily, and it swung open with a loud creak. Inside, Liang Ye found an old man and an old woman standing in the darkness, staring at him with cold, lifeless eyes.

"Hi there, Grandpa and Auntie!" Liang Ye said cheerfully, flashing a bright smile.

"Sorry for breaking your door. I didn't realize anyone was inside. Why didn't you say something?"

The old couple continued to stare at him silently.

"I'm just passing through, looking for some food and a place to stay. Don't worry, I've got money. I'll pay for the door."

The old couple remained silent and continued to look at him with their eerie, empty eyes.

"Thanks so much! I heard that people in mountain villages are friendly, and it seems to be true."

Liang Ye took off his backpack and sat in a dark corner of the room. As he stretched and relaxed, he kept talking about his journey and how heavy his backpack was.

The old couple continued to watch him from the shadows. Liang Ye didn't seem bothered by their silence and kept chatting about his trip and the interesting things he had seen.

"Hey, why are you both standing? Find a seat. Don't be so formal," Liang Ye said, acting as if he had completely forgotten he had just barged in.

The old couple stayed silent for a moment, then turned their gaze outside. Villagers had gathered around the house, their faces stiff and expressionless, and their eyes filled with a menacing glare.

The old couple finally seemed to reach a decision and began to move. They were getting ready to cook.