Chapter 152: Outnumbered?

Things weren't looking good for the Secret Service. The unexpected changes in the underground ruins had thrown them off, and they were relying solely on radiation monitoring equipment to guide them. Agent Luo's team was likely following the same radiation trail, trying to navigate the mess.

It wasn't easy for the Secret Service team today. Initially, they had a strong team with a seasoned agent, but as soon as they entered, the agent went off on his own and got lost. Meanwhile, Agent Luo had to lead a bunch of super soldiers into a fight. What a headache!

Soon, a small team split off from the larger group working for the pharmaceutical company. They packed up and set out, likely planning an ambush after spotting Agent Luo.

Detective Luo, was like family to Chu Cheng. So, Batman quietly followed the team, keeping a low profile.

Once they reached the designated location, the team leader studied his map, figured out where Agent Luo and his team would likely come from, and picked out a few spots for an ambush. The team quickly split up, pairing off to set up concussion mines.

Chu Cheng spotted the last pair of agents and directed Batman to move quietly behind them. One was pulling a concussion mine from his bag, while the other scouted for a good spot to place it.

Batman moved up silently behind them and knocked their heads together. They dropped to the ground, unconscious.

Chu Cheng, not wasting any time, had Batman move on to the next pair of agents.

After knocking out the two soldiers, Chu Cheng used Batman's perspective to scan one of them. He collected data on the soldier's face, uniform, weapons, height, and body shape.

The data was quickly uploaded to Batman's holographic camouflage module. Once the system updated and completed the modeling, Chu Cheng restarted it.

The holographic module activated, and within three seconds, Batman transformed from the Dark Knight into a perfect replica of the unconscious soldier on the ground.

"His name is Dave Arden," Friday confirmed.

Changing into this disguise made it easier for Chu Cheng to blend in and move around undetected. The disguise increased the chances of his success.

Even if someone got suspicious, they wouldn't immediately see through the ruse. Batman wandered through the entire group without anyone noticing, infiltrating them from the back row.

Communication in the underground ruins was also disrupted, so no one realized something was wrong until Chu Cheng had already finished his task.

The leader of the mine-burying team was the only one to barely set up the mines. After completing his task, he turned around and noticed his team was missing.

Confused, he turned back and suddenly saw a black bat right in his face. Startled, he tried to speak, "Wait...wait a minute..."


One punch, and he was knocked out.

Chu Cheng then disarmed the mines set by the team leader, finishing the job.

A little later, a soldier from the front guard post rushed back to report. Chu Cheng guessed he had spotted Secret Service Nine and was coming to report it.

Since modern communication devices were down, they had to rely on face-to-face communication.

As the scout ran back, a figure appeared in front of him. Before he could react, he was knocked out with a single punch, joining the rest of his teammates in unconsciousness.

Agent Luo Yajun arrived right on time with a team of nine agents. They moved without any trouble, unaware that someone was clearing the path for them.

Chu Cheng had even taken care of a few ghouls that appeared, so Luo and his team reached the cave without facing any resistance.

The two teams came face to face, both startled to see the other. The Secret Service agents were surprised to find people so deep underground.

It seemed like grave robbers were getting more daring these days. On the other hand, the Grove Group team was confused. Their scout hadn't reported back, and it seemed like nobody had noticed the approaching agents.

Both sides instinctively drew their guns, pointing them at each other, making the situation tense.

Meanwhile, Chu Cheng was busy. After clearing the way, Batman had circled back to the cave.

Moving through the shadows, he activated the holographic simulation system, disguising himself as Dave, a persona he had copied before, and quietly blended into the scene.

The sudden arrival of the Secret Service caused chaos. Everyone stopped what they were doing, grabbed their weapons, and moved toward the nine agents. This was Batman's chance. 

In the confusion, Batman quickly incapacitated four people using the high-voltage gloves, knocking them out in seconds.

"Everyone, calm down!" Siegel, the Grove Group leader, stepped forward, signaling his men not to shoot.

During this time, Batman quietly knocked out another guy at the back of the group.

Siegel looked at Luo Yajun and said calmly, "I have to admit, you're impressing me, Agent Luo. I'm guessing the mine squad and the sentry we sent to intercept you have already been found and dealt with by you?"

Luo Yajun was taken aback for a moment, then furious. "You planted mines to trap us?!"

As he spoke, his hand transformed into a machine gun aimed directly at Siegel.

Siegel looked confused. 

Wait, they didn't deal with the advance team? Where did they go?

Meanwhile, Batman was still working. He quietly took down another guy with a classic sneak attack, then casually moved on to his next target.

Tensions between the Secret Service and the pharmaceutical group were high, ready to explode at any moment. Everyone was too focused on the stand-off to check behind them, giving Batman the perfect opportunity to strike.

Batman's ninja-like silence was essential. His footsteps were lighter than a cat's, making no noise. Batman was on a roll.

"You have thirty seconds to explain who you are," Luo Yajun said bluntly. Everyone was tense, fingers on triggers, ready to fire at the slightest provocation.

By this time, Batman had taken down another person.

Batman was dominating.

One guy did something unexpected. As Batman approached him quietly, the man suddenly turned his head. Chu Cheng couldn't understand why he'd risk distraction when a fight was on the brink.

But turn he did. When he saw his teammates lying unconscious, he looked shocked and confused. Before he could react, a batarang hit him, and Batman caught him before he hit the ground, laying him down without a sound.

Batman went undetected.

"Relax, Agent Luo. We don't have to be enemies," Siegel said. "I know you're probably not in great shape after getting here. We have more people and more ammo, so it won't be easy for you..."

"More people than us?" Luo Yajun's tense expression eased, and he started to laugh.

Siegel looked confused.

"Seriously?" Luo Yajun chuckled, "You might want to count again."

"What...?" Siegel turned and saw his men scattered on the ground. He froze, mouth hanging open in shock, unable to comprehend what he was seeing.

Siegel: ??? 

Siegel: ??????