Chapter 169: Black Sunrise Mountain

Even though Black Hawk asked the question, he didn't really expect an answer. After all, he wasn't blind—the person was wearing a mask. If the question "Who are you?" could be answered that easily, then the mask would be pointless.

But surprisingly, the other person actually replied. The answer, though, made things even more confusing.

Revenge? Revenge for who?

Was it an enemy of the organization?

Before he could make sense of it all, Batgirl kicked him in the head again, knocking him out cold.

To be honest, Chu Cheng was a little embarrassed when he heard Cassandra's short responses. He had a hard time keeping a straight face.

As mentioned earlier, Cassandra had lost her ability to speak due to training in extreme martial arts from a young age. It wasn't until after she had already become highly skilled that she happened to run into a rich guy in disguise who had a habit of flirting with women.

He ended up teaching her how to read and write, little by little. While she still couldn't communicate fully with words, she learned how to get her point across with a few simple phrases.

Considering how Cassandra learned language and writing skills and the fact that Batman is her hero, it wasn't hard to guess that she was trying to pay tribute to him with these dramatic lines about revenge and the night. Chu Cheng wasn't a big fan of the whole "lightning in the rain" thing, though.

That line sounded cool when the original guy said it—all serious and mysterious. But Cassandra's voice was soft, and with her speech difficulties, the famous lines came out sounding a little cute, even though she was trying to be tough.

In short, Batgirl took down four guys without getting hurt. She stood up, trying to imitate Batman as she wrapped her small body in her cape, and then turned to Li Shou.

From under the cloak, she reached out her hand toward him.

Li Shou hesitated for a moment but instinctively took her hand. He was surprised to find that, despite her small frame, her grip was strong. She easily helped him to his feet.

As he stood up, he was about to say thank you, but suddenly he felt a sharp pain in his throat. He turned his head and coughed up a few mouthfuls of blood.

"Cough... Sorry. I wasn't at my best today."

He wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, wincing as his hand brushed his cheek, which was burning with pain. It hit him that he probably looked awful—bruised, swollen, and definitely not making a good first impression.

"I'm usually better than this... wait, what?"

He looked up, trying to salvage some dignity, but the alley was empty. 

In the time it took him to cough, the girl had vanished.

Li Shou stood there, stunned. Even though he was hurt, there weren't many people who could sneak up on him, let alone disappear right in front of him in seconds. It was so unbelievable that he briefly wondered if he was hallucinating from the beating.

But the groaning hitmen sprawled on the ground proved that wasn't the case.

Still in a daze, Li Shou looked down at the hand that had just held hers. He couldn't help but feel like the whole thing was unreal.


Four of the top assassins in Harborview City had just been taken down. Black Hawk, Green Snake, Kestrel, and Ghost Face—some of the most elite killers from the Black Sun organization. These were leaders in the assassination world, and all four of them being arrested at once became big news, not just in the city but across the underground world.

Along with the previous takedown of Venomous Bee and their partner, Black Sun had now lost five top operatives, all in Harborview City.

And what is Harborview City?

To assassins worldwide, it's a gold mine—the prime spot for top-tier killers to pick up contracts. The city's government and police force were notorious for their incompetence, the kind of place where even if you stabbed someone, they wouldn't bother investigating.

Yet now six of the best had been taken down in a row, and all in this very city!?

Rumors swirled that it was all thanks to Director Li, the heroic police chief of Harborview. The media claimed he was ambushed by the four assassins on his way home from work, but he stayed calm under pressure, used his sharp instincts to see through the attack, and fought back with his impressive combat skills. Though injured, he single-handedly took them down...

Well, that wasn't exactly how it happened.

Li Shou had tried to explain to everyone that he wasn't a match for those four. He had help—someone else had taken care of them while he was just along for the ride. But no one wanted to hear the truth.

Even his superiors told him to keep quiet.

"Are you seriously asking us to tell the media that the director of our police department got attacked by gangsters on his way home from work," his superior said, leaning over his hospital bed, "that he had no chance to fight back and was finally saved by some girl dressed like a bat?"

The officer adjusted his glasses.

"The current craze of teenagers dressing up as superheroes is already causing us problems. On top of that, public confidence in the police force has been one of the city's biggest concerns. People expect you to change that, which is why you were appointed.

So, let's just pretend you're not saying anything crazy, and let's pretend that the ridiculous story you're telling is true—this amazing girl really exists."

The official paused, his glasses reflecting the light so his eyes were hidden.

"Do you really think it would help the police force if people knew about this?"

Li Shou stayed quiet for a while.

"But that's not what happened," he finally said. "That girl... I owe her. She saved my life."

"Then let that be the truth." The official gave him a pat on the shoulder. "Be the hero, Chief Li, the hero this city needs. 

That's why you still have this job, despite the critics."


Outside of Harborview City, in an unknown location, was the base of the Black Sun organization.

They had lost six of their top killers all at once. This was the most humiliating defeat the organization had ever faced. The entire group went into a frenzy, and the leadership was pulled together for an emergency meeting overnight.

"Is it that Li Shou guy?" someone cursed. "This guy's seriously a problem."

When Li Shou took office, he had promised to change the city and stop it from being a playground for assassins. Of course, it was just like any other speech—similar to what a politician promises when they're trying to get votes. The assassin world heard it, laughed it off, and didn't pay attention.

But now everyone knew this guy meant business.

Naturally, the whole underworld couldn't take it anymore, especially the Black Sun.

"He's got to be dealt with!" someone shouted. "Otherwise, he's going to start thinking he runs this place."

"But the truth is, he did take down our best people," someone else pointed out. "It might not be so easy to handle him."

Everyone fell silent.

As assassins, their greatest strength wasn't fighting in the open but attacking from the shadows. That's what made people fear them. Even powerful politicians were nothing in front of a top killer with a gun.

But now, their best assassins had failed. And worse, the enemy was just as skilled at their own game.

Opponents like that are the hardest to deal with.


The voice didn't come from anyone sitting at the conference table but from a screen at the far end of the room.

On the massive screen was a dark silhouette. This was the only person not attending the meeting in person, and that alone proved their importance.

In fact, this person had every right to command that kind of respect. No one questioned them.

His codename was Black Sun, the same as the organization—because he was the one who created it.

He was a living legend in the world of assassins, the core of the organization's spirit, and a pillar of the entire underground industry. Years ago, he had completed his final job and retired to the shadows, never stepping out again. 

But today, he was making an exception.

The entire room fell into an even deeper silence as everyone showed their respect.

A pair of sharp, cold eyes glared from the shadows on the screen.

"I'll deal with him myself."