
Eugene picked up the little girl's laptop, quickly entered the name, the query was fruitless, he tried the console, changed to appearance search, still no answer.


 Sure enough, the monitoring of the bat is to exclude himself, and Miller had expected in his heart.


 He uses Batgirl's system to search for her real identity, just to take a chance, so it doesn't hurt to try.


 It's just a possibility that's been ruled out.


 He sat aside, beckoned Barbara to come back and wait for dinner, and reached for his cigar.


 Barbara, surveying his expression, sauntered back to the table without asking Eugene the result of her inquiry or saying anything, as if nothing had happened before.


 She changed the subject. "Indian Hill, you say, was it really that terrible?"


 "If my impressions are correct, and they are, as soon as I open the doors of that underground research institute, there are deformed monsters everywhere." Eugene said of the scene from his series Gotham: "One thing I would correct, though, is that Deathstroke never gets scared and never gives up on his mission."


 "So what's your mission? I don't think anyone can pay you to come and save me and my dad. Our family doesn't have that kind of money. ' Barbara asked again.


 She knows the financial situation of her family very well, after all, before the paralysis, she has always been in charge, how much she earns each month, how much she spends on food and daily necessities, every sum of money is clearly remembered in her small book.


 Before Deathstroke broke on TV that the basic price of killing a person is 2 million, not to mention that saving people is much more troublesome than killing them, and this price can not be paid by killing her.


 Eugene took a look at her, her speed of change is almost visible to the naked eye, just such a short time, she accepted all the things before, and can think normally.


 Originally like a little girl from the countryside, now can face the mercenary can also keep calm, really people still have the distinction of qualifications?


 "Our mission can't tell you, when everything is over, go and ask your father." Eugene shakes the soot on the table, and Batgirl's pretty metal tabletop is stained a little yellow, and there's an extra yellow spot on the shiny panel.


 But it was Alfred who had to work hard. Eugene, who had some respect for the old housekeeper, decided not to bounce the ball on the table, but on the floor.


 He makes a fool of the little girl, because there are some things she can not accept now. If it were an oracle of the Lord world, perhaps Eugene would speak up again for her counsel, but for now, let's find Chief Gordon and see what he knows.


 Barbara looked down as if she understood what Eugene had said, and as she thought she liked to touch the sleeves of her sweater, where the hairballs had been rubbed.


 Vic, who had now finished her work, led Peter, gasping for air, to the table, where he lay on his stomach as if paralyzed, feeling the cold metal.


 Eugene slid the remaining half of the bottle across the table to her, and she drank without any rudeness.


 "I've got something to tell you. We found each other's lair. Our next move is to rescue Chief Gordon."


 "Huh? Isn't that a good thing? ' Vico pulled the bottle out of his mouth and gave a loud boo. His pretty face was full of confusion. How serious was this?


 Are you going to go back on your word and not let the news be shot?


 "However, the enemy's lair is unexpected, and now it is absolutely certain that it is a trap. If you continue to follow it, you will be in considerable danger, your lives will be in danger."


 As Eugene spoke, he noticed that Peter's face was turning pale. He seemed to be on the verge of breaking down.


 Vicker's eyes rolled, the woman did not know what was giving up, she pointed to Barbara next to: "So, little girl and you go?"


 "Commissioner Gordon won't trust us without her, so Barbara has to come with us, and we'll protect her. But you're different. Cindy and I are the only two of us. We can't protect you either." Eugene nodded in generous acknowledgment.


 Vico hardly thought about it, his golden red head clicking like a chicken eating rice. She doesn't care about life. She just wants the news.


 "We will follow you, too. After all, how can a strong warrior like you not have a reporter to record your heroism? By the way, Mr. Deathstroke, you became a mercenary as a man, so what do you think of the rise of the patriarchal movement in recent years?"


 If it is not his right eye frame is empty, there is no false eye, otherwise Eugene will buckle out and hit her, let her see what the white eye is like, this woman is really sick in the brain, what is the matter with the men's power movement?


 "You'd better ask your partner, he looks like he's about to pee, and there'll be an answer on your shoe." He gestured with his chin at Pete next to her, the stout man now hunched over like mud. "If you decide to go, I can tell you this is a resident evil. You'd better get your hazmat suits and gas masks ready."


 "Cool!" Vico immediately stood up and kicked Pete next to him, telling him to hurry and look for a chemical suit in the Batcave: "I've been waiting for a long time for the outbreak of biohazard, and now I'm finally here, praise Zeus Father!"


 "Well, if you find one, find one for Barbara, and you change it for her, Vic." Eugene doesn't care about her anymore. She won't die anyway, so let her go.


 "Don't you two want it? Vico agreed immediately, and asked him and Cindy eagerly if they did.


 "No, our helmets have anti-chemical functions, and our physical fitness is far beyond the average. There is always time to quit when we feel something is wrong."


 Hearing Eugene's words, she immediately took out a small notebook and wrote it down: Deathstroke suspected to be a reformer... Then she gives the OK sign and runs away.


 'You like redheads? "Barbara suddenly says in the wings, making Eugene almost choke.


 "No, why do you ask?"


 "Because it feels like you're very... to Miss Varley Let go." Barbara looked at him with probing eyes that were somewhat inarticulate.


 "I'm very free with you, too, even though you're a redhead, but that doesn't mean anything." Eugene patted her on the head, telling her to stop thinking and charge up her laptop. "If I didn't want you to meet father and daughter for the first time, I could have left you here to provide us with intelligence."


 "But didn't you just say that you brought me with you to win my father's trust?" Barbara frowned. She thought she was valuable. In her shallow knowledge, people in the dark always like to distinguish people by their worthiness.


 "I lied to Vic about that, and even without you, do you think Chief Gordon had a choice when Cindy and I had four knives around his neck?" He'll thank us afterwards anyway."


 Eugene puffed his cigarette and watched the smoke swirl around the cave in the breeze, turning one moment into a skeleton, the next into a bat.


 In fact, this is also a lie, because in the TV series, the underground research institute has countless electronic devices and security doors, and without the oracle of Barbara, I am afraid that he and Cindy will be numb.


 Barbara's face blushes. She misunderstands Eugene, but the little girl's imagination leads her to another aspect.


 "Is it possible that... Does he mean he likes me like this... B: But I'm a policeman's daughter. What should I do? B: Well, he's actually quite reliable... But my legs...."


 At her age, it's easy to think of that, especially with her and Eugene's seemingly taboo status, and it makes her heart beat faster.


 Now he appeared at a time when Barbara was at her most helpless, and although at first it brought her nothing but fear, gradually, that fear turned into a feeling of sudden cardiac arrest, and the heart changed into an indefinable rhythm.


 This is the so-called suspension bridge effect in psychology, people in dangerous circumstances, will instinctively have a good impression of the opposite sex together.


 It's a reproductive instinct that runs in the blood. It's built into our DNA in ancient times to keep the blood flowing through difficult times.


 Or it could just be one of the more famous phenomena of compliance, known as Stockholm Syndrome, followed by the case of slave diggings, where women who had been kept for a long time helped to torture them.


 When a strong person completely dominates the life and freedom of the weak, the little favor he occasionally provides will be infinitely enlarged in the eyes of the weak. Over time, the weak will have the emotion of worshipping the strong and obeying the orders of the strong.


 This has also led psychologists to put forward a famous hypothesis that human beings can be tamed, just like dogs and cats.


 In fact, Eugene didn't mean it at all. He was preoccupied with the idea of survival.


 While Barbara was dreaming and Eugene was puffing away thinking about his plan, Cindy returned, descending the spiral staircase with a giant roast Turkey in one hand and a pot in the other.


 "I found this right up there. It's ready-made, but there aren't many Turkey holidays these days, are there? I don't know, there are some potatoes, Onions and other vegetables, I threw them in the pot and cooked them, so I'll make do."


 As the three gather around a metal table for their unusual dinner, Cindy wonders what Vico and Pete are tossing around nearby, but she doesn't care. With Eugene in charge, things aren't always this easy.


 Now in her head, she was already thinking about what means to leave Eugene and her team after the world crisis.


 Eugene said before is right, no friends, the business is more and more narrow, in order to their own handsome life in the future, it is time to find a partner.


 Who would be the best partner? Naturally, it is the death Knell from another world, and their tacit cooperation with Eugene.