ch:2 The flaming love

Narrator: things are going smoothly for the duo but one day suboki receives a message from their opposition gang the Red dragons

Have sent a message for a meeting.

Man 1: oh no, not this again.

Narrator: whenever there is a meeting between these gangs, a fight arises between them.

Man2: we can't deny their call, right?

Narrator: suboki with a grumpy face said,

Suboki: fix a date, we will meet at my place.

Narrator: both the gangs met in the Wolf Spring Tower. It's Suboki's property, and it is the first time the red dragons for Raaz.

Everyone was waiting for the leader of the red dragons. And she came; she entered the hall with big boss vibes. Her presence is enough to scare the rookies in the gang. And she took her; she is the pride of the Fireheart family. Sofia Fireheart is a woman who is the definition of death. If you are on her good side, you will be spared, or if you are on her bad side, you will suffer hell on earth.

Sofia: so this is the reason we gather,

You killed the CEO of the company that aided us. Can you explain why you did that?

Suboki: I don't need to explain to you.

*Gurnts* by Red Dragon members

Sofia: I think you should explain to me because you invaded our territory and destroyed a whole company, and thanks to you, we have some disturbance in our boards, so what will you do about this matter?

Suboki: I will pay for the loss and damage and made.

Sofia: And?

Suboki: *sigh* I will sign a treaty of peace.

Sofia: good

Narrator: Sofia signalled a grunt, and he called someone; suddenly, the members outside the tower started to throw their hands at each other. Everyone left to save the other

But the gang leaders stayed. Raaz went with They and realised that he should stay with his master, but he was in shock when he saw

Sofia slowly approached Suboki and sat on his lap; there was no distance between them; the wind could travel through the tiniest of holes. No wind could travel through. They were like love birds sharing their love for each other; Raaz was petrified.

He stormed in and said

Raaz: what the hell is happening here?