Chapter 28: Pig-Head's Senior Brothers_1

Xiao Jun felt a powerful force sweeping towards him, and with his arms crossed, he exerted all his strength to block in front of Xu Fan's foot.

"Crack. Crack." Xiao Jun's arms, beneath Xu Fan's foot, didn't even last 0.1 second before he heard the crisp sound of bones fracturing.

Xu Fan's foot gently stepped on Xiao Jun's chest.

And Xiao Jun felt as if there were a ten-thousand-pound boulder pressing down on his chest, making it impossible for him to even breathe.

"Kid, I told you, squashing you is like squashing an ant," Xu Fan said, looking down on Xiao Jun lying on the ground.

"...huff... huff..." Xiao Jun's face turned red and then purple, his arms hung powerlessly by his sides, and a trickle of fresh blood leaked from the corner of his mouth. At this moment, he struggled even to breathe, let alone utter a complete sentence.

"Sure enough, a tough guy." With a light flick of his toe, Xu Fan broke another eight of his ribs.