Chapter 89 Sending Money and Sending People's Heads_1

"Master, master, master, I'll never dare again, please spare me." Seeing Xu Fan obliterate the terrifying Ghoul Twelve with a mere flick of his finger, Song Qiang was so terrified that he couldn't even finish his sentence, cowering and begging for mercy from Xu Fan.

"Song Qiang, I originally just wanted to break your limbs and leave you to beg on the streets. I didn't expect you to come to me first and even try to kidnap my daughter. So today, it's not that I want to kill you, but you are seeking your own death," Xu Fan stated, standing in front of Song Qiang, enunciating every word.

"Master, I have money, I can give you all my money, is that okay? I have fifteen million in cash on the boat outside, all for you, as long as you can spare me. I won't dare to cross you ever again, I'm kowtowing to you now," Song Qiang felt Xu Fan's tangible murderous aura, peed and defecated in fear without worrying about cleaning himself, knelt on the ground and began kowtowing frantically.