Chapter 100 War Wolf Squad Welcomes You_1

While the members of the War Wolf Squad were making a ruckus together, Lu Chenbing's Passat slowly drove up in front of everyone.

The car door opened, and Lu Chenbing appeared before them with a dignified air.

"Greetings, battalion commander!" The members of the War Wolf Squad immediately snapped to attention and gave Lu Chenbing a standard military salute.

As Lu Chenbing also held the position of battalion commander of the special forces, it was natural for them to address him as such.

Lu Chenbing slowly scanned the members of the War Wolf Squad and with a slight smile, he asked, "I saw everyone was having a lively discussion just now, what were you all talking about?"

"Reporting to the battalion commander, we were discussing how to welcome the new instructor," Su Jingfeng replied loudly, standing ramrod straight as he addressed Lu Chenbing.

The team members, hearing Su Jingfeng's answer, all revealed mysterious smiles on their faces.