Chapter 149 Brother Long Gives In_1

"Big brother, please look, the misunderstanding has been cleared up, can you spare us this time?" Brother Long, kneeling on the ground, stammered as he spoke to Xu Fan.

Xu Fan turned his head to glance at Xu Yixue and Ye Xiaoning, who both nodded at him, indicating they didn't want to press the matter further. Tongtong, held in Xu Yixue's arms, looked at the submissive Brother Long on the ground and said to Xu Fan with a smile, "Daddy, this man looks so pitiful, let him go."

"Tongtong, you think he's pitiful now, but you don't know how vicious he could be without your daddy here. Such people only submit to those who are stronger. When they encounter the weak, they will bare their terrifying fangs," Xu Fan said, gently patting Tongtong's head as he educated his daughter.

It's good that his daughter has compassion, but in this dangerous world, those with only love in their hearts will never survive. Xu Fan was speaking to Tongtong, but also to Xu Yixue.