Chapter 160 Collision Preparation_1

At six in the morning, with the sun just rising, Xu Fan slowly exhaled a breath as he finished his night's cultivation on Xu Yixue's soft bed.

After opening his eyes, Xu Fan leapt up from the bed, light as a swallow.

As soon as Xu Fan pushed open the door, he saw that Ye Xiaoning was already up, tidying up the house. Ever since coming back from the squad, Ye Xiaoning had maintained the squad's routine of rising early. Thus, she was able to prepare breakfast for the two lazybones, Xu Yixue and Tongtong, well in advance each day.

Xu Fan gave Ye Xiaoning a slight smile as a greeting.

"Xu Fan, why don't you sleep a bit longer? It's still early. I haven't even started making breakfast yet," Ye Xiaoning said with a smile back at Xu Fan, her smile warmer with more closeness and less of the coolness from a few days ago.