Chapter 177: Mo Luo Dan Admits Defeat_1

Xu Fan took a deep breath and shook the dust off his clothes.

The palm strike from Mo Luo Dan just now had been received by Xu Fan using his own body, and it had hardly caused him any harm.

Mo Luo Dan was at the peak of the Qi Drawing Realm, and the attack he exerted with all his strength was something that even a regular Martial Arts Grandmaster would need to handle with caution. Yet, it couldn't even break through Xu Fan's bodily defenses, which showed how much Xu Fan's physical defense had improved after being modified by the Pei Yuan Pill.

"Has my master's physical defense reached the extraordinary realm of Unbreakable Golden Body?" Mo Luo Dan stood on the ground, looking up at Xu Fan with a bit of reverence.

"Unbreakable Golden Body? Not quite, but below the level of a Martial Arts Grandmaster, they can't hurt me anymore," Xu Fan said indifferently.