Chapter 182 Why I Can Be the Manager_1

"Mom, do you really not trust your daughter?" Chen Lele was also a bit angry, pouting her lips in displeasure.

Chen Lixin saw her daughter's expression and felt a bit soft-hearted. She gently hugged Chen Lele and said, "Silly girl, how could Mom not trust you? It's just that you have so little social experience, and I'm afraid you'll be deceived by bad people in society. You're so young and still a university student. Your future is boundless. You mustn't carelessly give yourself away to someone."

"Mom! What are you talking about, 'giving myself away to someone'? Humph, I'm not that foolish," Chen Lele stamped her foot and said indignantly.

"Then you must promise me that before you graduate from university, you won't get a boyfriend and mustn't have close contact with boys. Otherwise, Mom will never forgive you," Chen Lixin said somewhat sternly to Chen Lele.