Chapter 207 Tattoo on the Face_1

"Brother Dong, you're amazing, you've literally set a bench press record for our gym. I, Da Zhuang, am truly convinced by you!" Da Zhuang, his eyes ablaze with zeal, looked at Zhao Dong after he'd thrown down the barbell.

130 kilograms, as a professional fitness coach, he could only bench press up to eighty or ninety kilograms at most. He hadn't expected Zhao Dong, who previously could only press fifty kilograms, to suddenly explode in strength as though he'd taken some sort of aphrodisiac, actually benching an unbelievable 130 kilograms, outperforming even the foreigner built like a bear earlier on.

"Hehe, 130 kilograms, what of it? Sadly, you know nothing about true strength," said another foreign man coldly, dousing Da Zhuang's excitement with a bucket of cold water as he saw his surprised face.

"Come on! Bring it on! I'm ready whenever you are!" Zhao Dong drew a weak breath and then said to the larger foreigner.