Chapter 224: Divine Medicine Blood Bodhi_1

Although most of the people in the hall were ordinary folks, there was still someone with a keen eye. After hearing the surrounding chaos of voices calling out "little tomatoes, little tomatoes," this person finally couldn't restrain themselves anymore and loudly said to the crowd, "Stop your noise, this isn't some little tomato, this is the legendary Divine Medicine Blood Bodhi from Yan Country!"



"No way?"

A stir went through the hall. Although they didn't know what Blood Bodhi was, the title of a legendary divine medicine was quite impressive indeed.

Wang Fangtong on the stage, upon hearing this person's words, revealed a knowing smile. She picked up the microphone and said to the audience below, "Our distinguished guests do indeed have broad knowledge. This gentleman is correct, the final treasure in the box is indeed the Divine Medicine, Blood Bodhi, a legacy of our Yan Country that is said to be produced only once every thousand years!"