Chapter 265 Leaf Nourishing Art_1


After giving the Bu Yuan Dan to Sun Lihua, Xu Fan and Elder Lin slowly made their way into the room where Elder Sun was staying.

Upon entering, they saw Sun Lihua holding a cup of warm water, getting ready to administer the medicine to the elder.

"Master Xu, do you say that these two elixirs can really heal my injuries and even restore my Martial Dao cultivation?" Elder Sun asked Xu Fan uncertainly, his eyes filled with a hopeful gleam.

"Absolutely certain!" Xu Fan nodded and said to Elder Sun.

Hearing Xu Fan's affirmative response, Elder Sun no longer hesitated, picked up the elixir, tilted his head back, and swallowed it in one gulp.

As soon as the elixir entered his mouth, it turned into a warm current flowing down his throat. Then, the warm current derived from the elixir began traveling through his meridians, healing the damaged pathways.

"Dad, how do you feel?" Sun Lihua asked nervously to Elder Sun.