Chapter 342: Discarded Pawn Bull Demon_1

At this moment, he naturally assumed an authoritative demeanor and replied in a purely official tone, "Zhou Xian, our sacred duty as doctors is to try our best to cure every patient. Your sister's condition is far from ideal. We can only put forth our full effort and cannot guarantee any specific outcome."

As a doctor, he had long been trained in this regard; no matter how certain he was, he would not make a guarantee, and even if he had no confidence at all, he wouldn't speak in absolutes.

In short, to consider the patient's emotions and to avoid postoperative disputes with family members, this uniform response was always given.

"Oh." Zhou Xian sneered dismissively, then turned and left.

He had initially pinned his hopes on the kidney transplant surgery, but now with Xu Fan's assurance, he was inclined to trust Xu Fan a bit more, even though he knew nothing about him.

Doctor Lu watched Zhou Xian leave with a grim expression and scoffed under his breath, muttering, "Jerk!"