Chapter 376: Condensing Thunder into a Dragon_1

The protectors of the Qingyun Sect stood in shock and despair, stripped of even the faintest thought of resistance or escape.


The thunder roared and lightning flashed, the phenomenon startling.

For a moment, the flowers, plants, and trees within the manor suffered immense brutality, as if ravaged by a herd of wild boars and Wild Bulls; nearby windows clattered violently, shattering into countless pieces.

Within dozens of meters around Yano Luo, destruction reigned.

Everyone looked on in horror, trembling with fear and feeling insignificant under the might of the thunder and lightning.

Chang Muxin, struck by the residual force of the lightning, immediately had his clothes torn, skin charred black, emitting threads of a burning stench, collapsing to the ground, robbed of the ability to move.

It was evident how immense and astonishing the power contained within the white lightning was.