Chapter 403: A Sword from the West_1


The monster Huang Yechun clenched his fists and hammered at his chest fiercely, a roar emerging from his belly, his eyes bloodshot as he cackled, "Xu Fan, you little whelp, you've forced my hand. Now, it all comes to an end, and I must say, for pushing me this far, your death will not be in vain."

"Fear, despair, agony... under my evil spirit possession, you will taste them all."

"Now, I will make my move."

The voice of the monster Huang Yechun was very deep, carrying a demonic power that penetrated the heart, like thunder exploding in the crowd, causing everyone's soul to tremble in fear.

Countless passersby turned pale, even from a distance the mingled sense of dread was palpable, instinctively wanting to turn and flee, only to find their legs heavy as if filled with lead.

Yet facing the black monster directly, Xu Fan remained composed, even indifferent, as if he could disregard the monster's presence.