Chapter 488: Who Shall Die_1

Seeing Xu Fan's terrifying presence, Lei Fei was shocked and didn't dare to be careless. She quickly grabbed Xu Yixue's throat and, with a swipe of her hand at her waist, a dagger appeared, its cold light striking under the moonlight.

On the handle, there was a gleaming red ruby, and the tip of the dagger was pressed against Xu Yixue's carotid artery.

Lei Fei watched Xu Fan coldly, her face revealing a fierce look, as if she would choose to kill Xu Yixue immediately if Xu Fan made the slightest false move.

Helpless, facing Xu Fan's strength, Lei Fei didn't dare to underestimate him at all.

After all, Xu Fan's speed surpassed the speed of sound, and this distance of less than one hundred meters could be covered almost instantaneously.

"I'm warning you, release her immediately, or face severe consequences," Xu Fan's voice was as cold as frost.