Chapter 511: Desperation - Part 1

This coffin, the reason it was so helpful to Qin Wudao, is because this is his life-bound magical treasure!

After Qin Wudao cultivated himself into a zombie, he spent most of his latter life staying inside the coffin, silently practicing his art.

Therefore, the deathly aura of the coffin was incredibly dense.

If it wasn't for his deliberate suppression, it's feared that the tens of square kilometers around him would be filled with deathly aura, leaving not a single blade of grass alive.

This bears a curious similarity to one of the Zombie Kings in the rumors, Hanba, who turns a thousand miles into a parched land, except Qin Wudao's realm wasn't enough, affecting at most a circular area of ten miles.

The moment Xu Fan sensed the terrifying aura of the Scarlet Sarcophagus, his eyes became extremely solemn, intuitively feeling it was tough to deal with.


Qin Wudao let out a piercing, cold laugh, like an enraged lion, becoming unrestrained and utterly wild.