Chapter 542: Like Drinking Water_1

Within half an hour, Chen Shiyu's microblog was almost blown up.

Countless people crowded in, commenting and discussing hotly, leaving messages like snowflakes.

Among them, a wide-ranging and intense debate was sparked, with more people thinking Chen Shiyu had become a water gun for capital, spraying water wherever they directed, completely disregarding her image and misleading consumers without considering the consequences.

As for how many of these angry passersby were genuinely upset and how many were internet trolls driven by capital, only heaven knew.

At first, Chen Shiyu's loyal fans were still arguing their case stubbornly, resisting to the last.

However, in that countless sea of comments, their words were like a pebble tossed into the ocean, unable to stir any waves, even being completely ignored.

There was no helping it; the criticisms and insults were too many, nearly drowning Chen Shiyu's microblog.