Chapter 557: Return Without Success_1

"Xiao Nong, I didn't expect you to come up with such a brilliant solution in such a short time. The old man will just follow your orders," said Lin Yaoshi, half-jokingly and half in admiration.

"Elder Lin, you're too kind. Actually, just like you, I'm merely an executor of the plan; someone else is the real mastermind," said Lu Chennong with his hands modestly.

"Oh? Which mastermind?"

"Naturally, it's Elder Xu's capable wife," Lu Chennong said enviously, "I have to say, Xu Xuanyi did indeed have a very outstanding daughter."

Lin Yaoshi felt a bit surprised; it seemed that he had underestimated Xu Yixue before. Indeed, Xu Fan had a better eye for people.

Lu Chennong continued, "If nothing goes awry, my brother Lu Chenbing should have already arranged for people to take Xu Xuanqiang and his group back to the police station. We have several hours to calmly execute the plan and make things perfect, leaving no opportunity for the other side."