Chapter 100 Father Ye's Love is as Steadfast as a Mountain [This is a mega chapter with over five thousand words, please subscribe!]_2

A compliment was so hard to come by.


"You already complimented him, why do I need to as well? Forget it, if I praised him too, he'd float up to the heaven, not even knowing his own name anymore!" Father Ye curled his lips, looking somewhat dissatisfied at his wife.

"Young man in front, are you tired from driving? Whose child are you, what's your name? Why don't I recognize you?" Mother Ye turned her head to look at Ye Fan, who was driving, and spoke slowly.

Father Ye instantly became so angry that his face turned green!

Goodness, how did he end up with a wife like this.

"Mom, stop making trouble, or my dad's blood pressure will shoot up!" Ye Fan said with a laugh.

These two are really a pair of treasures!

Since childhood, his parents had a great relationship, and it was still the same now.

They were truly a pair of happy enemies.

He had been watching this pattern of interaction between the two ever since he could remember.

However, it was truly enviable!