Chapter 101: Girl, What Are You Thinking About! [Subscribe Please! Big Chapter]_1


"Good boy!" Father Ye nodded with satisfaction.

This is indeed the good son of Ye Dong!

After talking a lot with his dad, Ye Fan was called by the nanny to have a meal and finally returned inside the villa.

There was still the big fish he had caught, half of which was left from yesterday. It was made into braised fish, hot and sour tofu fish, and fish soup was also simmered. There were also several dishes of greens, stir-fried pork shreds with green pepper, and so on.

A table full of dishes looked extremely sumptuous!


Early the next morning, Ye Fan and Zhuge, carrying a few clothes, set off for Bo City.

Bo City is much larger than Jiang City and is also a very important municipality directly under the central government.

The two took a flight to Bo City, found a hotel, and checked in.

It was only then that Ye Fan contacted Bai Susu.