Chapter 114: My Neck is a Bit Itchy!_1

Ye Fan thought to himself that today, he had to stay with Bai Susu no matter what.

Lest something unexpected happened at night.

Soon, Bai Susu calmed down substantially.

But the scene just now still lingered in Ye Fan's mind, making him sit worriedly by the bed, watching over Bai Susu.

This vigil lasted all night.

By the time dawn broke, Ye Fan had already fallen asleep next to Bai Susu.

When Bai Susu woke up, she saw Ye Fan sitting on the bed, but his head had dropped onto her lower abdomen, and his hand still tightly held hers.

No, it was her hand that was tightly gripping Ye Fan's.

This scene left her somewhat dumbfounded.

What had happened?

The intimacy of their position made her face turn red all at once.

This ambiguous posture made her somewhat overwhelmed.

What should she do!

Looking at Ye Fan, who was sleeping soundly, she felt a bit reluctant to disturb him.

As she watched, she realized that last night, this guy had stayed up with her all night.