Chapter 124: The Groom is Very Confused! [Large Chapter, Over 7000 Words!]_3

Fang Dajian didn't stand on ceremony, eating the roasted chicken drumstick as he did.

The three of them ate and talked; however, it was mostly Fang Dajian and Ye Fan chatting while Zhao Xiaotian, who was drunk, lay on the table, occasionally chiming in with a comment or two.

"Things are okay at the company, right? If there's anything you don't understand, you can ask Jenny," Ye Fan said.

"Don't worry, everything is going smoothly, it's just..." Fang Dajian looked at Ye Fan, his expression hesitant.

It seemed he had something to say to Ye Fan, but he didn't know how to begin.

"What's up? If there's any difficulty, you can tell me, and I'll help you solve it," Ye Fan asked, looking at Fang Dajian. For some reason, he felt Fang Dajian seemed a bit different.

But as for where, he couldn't figure it out yet.

"It's nothing, just a minor issue that I can resolve myself," Fang Dajian said with a smile.

He felt that he should solve this matter himself.