Chapter 144: What are you thinking, you old coot! [Large Chapter, over 7000 words]_1

Bai Susu had been looking for quite a while but couldn't discern anything.

Soon, Ye Fan and Zhuge came back.

Ye Fan approached Bai Susu and gently nudged the little girl.

"Why are you sitting here all by yourself, what's up?" Ye Fan asked.

"Nothing much, just feeling a bit bored, I'll tell you some good news later!" Bai Susu gave a mysterious smile.

Imagine if Ye Fan knew she was pregnant, he would be so ecstatic.

But now was not the time to tell him.

O(∩_∩)O haha~

"What good news that you can't even tell me now?" Ye Fan said.

This girl is getting naughtier by the day.

But what could the good news be?

Did we make big money?

Something about the company?

Or what...

Anyway, Ye Fan figured it probably wasn't any of those things.

He couldn't think of anything else.

"What is it, just tell me!" Ye Fan said with a smile, watching Bai Susu.

The little girl was actually playing coy with him.