Chapter 156 Who is Whose Father! [Big Chapter, 5000 Words]_2

But isn't this supposed to be a pregnancy?

Ye Fan was feeling rather gloomy.

"Alright, I'll stop teasing you!" Bai Susu said.

Look, how frightened that made you.

"What are you two talking about, seeming so happy? Is there anything I can help with?" Mother Ye came over at this point, rolling up her sleeves.

The two of them were chatting so merrily.

"Mom, we were just praising you, saying how Little Fourth takes after you, so straightforward!" Bai Susu glanced at Ye Fan and quickly spoke to Mother Ye.

"Of course, that's my granddaughter. Little Fourth does resemble me quite a bit," Mother Ye said.

Ye Fan's heart suddenly leapt, but upon hearing his own mother's words, he was reassured,

Good grief, this wife of mine is trying to dupe me.

Who does this, tricking their own husband.

Thankfully, mom didn't blow up.

"It's nothing, Mom, why don't you go sit down and rest!" Ye Fan suggested.

With mom around, any slip of the tongue could get me in trouble; it was quite risky.