Chapter 191: You're quite something, Little Fourth! [Over 4000 words, please subscribe!]_2


But this matter is hard to say, whether Little Fourth is right or wrong, there's really no way to judge.

We can only wait for Ye Fan to come back, or maybe call later to ask.

Bai Susu is truly very worried in her heart.

Ah, giving birth is a big deal.

The first birth is always difficult, but some have different constitutions and may have an easier time.

Mainly, it depends on the person's constitution and whether they've been exercising properly.

"Susu, I've heard that if one has to undergo a C-section, they must rest for three to four years before having another child, otherwise, it can be very harmful to both the child and the mother. Going under the knife can be very damaging to the body," Mother Ye said worriedly.

"Yeah, so, many people hope to give birth naturally. Only when there's no other option, and it can't be helped, do they undergo a C-section," Bai Susu sighed.

Fortunately, her delivery was natural.