Chapter 194: Even Dad Doesn't Want This One. [Large Chapter, Over 5000 Words]_2

So cute!

So bouncy!

"It's okay, the little brother is still young. He doesn't understand what I'm saying right now anyway, but if he's disobedient, he definitely needs to be disciplined," Ye Yu said.

"Third sis, you're wrong. Xiao Wu understands, he just can't speak yet. Of course, when he grows up, he will naturally forget about these things," Little Fourth Ye Jie said, as she stood out and came up to where their grandfather was holding Xiao Wu, speaking slowly.

Looking at her little brother, she blinked her eyes, filled with affection.

She really liked her little brother.

"Little brother, grow up quickly. Fourth sis has saved a lot of pocket money for you. I'll take you to buy tasty treats and fun toys. Grow up quickly, okay!" Ye Jie looked at Xiao Wu and said.

"Er (⊙o⊙)…" Third sis was quite embarrassed on the side.

Actually, she didn't quite believe what Fourth sister said, that Xiao Wu could understand but just couldn't speak yet.

Or that he would forget about it later.