Chapter 197 Can't Joke About One's Daughter's Life! [Big Chapter, Over 4000 Words!]_1

"Afterward, my dad used the money Mom gave him to treat Grandma's illness and buy her medicine. She hung on for a few months, but Grandma still passed away. There was nothing we could do, and now it's just my dad left. Of course, Grandma had one more daughter left, but she was given away to another family, my Auntie."

"But Dad and my aunt weren't close. Later on, Dad worked hard, even personally went to propose to Mom's family. But her side were totally against it, Mom insisted on marrying Dad, and in the end, they made it work, got together. It really wasn't easy for them to be together!" Ye Fan sighed deeply as he spoke.

"The relationship between my parents has always been very good," Ye Fan said.

"Mom is really brave and awesome!" Bai Susu said.