Chapter 206 Mom, You Are So Beautiful! [Is it a large chapter? Over 7000 words]_1

In the evening, Ye Fan's parents finally arrived.

They had been running back and forth in the countryside during this period.

There were many things to deal with in the village, but luckily, they had bodyguards and a private car with them.

Otherwise, they would have really been extraordinarily busy.

It was almost the end of the year, so things got busy.

"Grandma, Grandpa, you're finally back, we're so happy!" the little ones rushed up to Ye Fan's parents, exclaiming with great excitement.

Their grandparents had finally returned.

In the past few days, they had seldom seen them.

They were still young and had no idea what the adults were busy with all day; they just noticed that they saw less of them.

Of course, except for Dad and Mom, who were usually at home under normal circumstances.