Chapter 218: School Representatives Come to Inspect Superpowers! [Big Chapter, 6000 words]_4

Look at you, with that slender frame, who could you protect anyway?

Ye Qing looked at Lv Jiawen, who just seemed like the pretty boys you see on TV.

Pretty boys are always the ones getting protected, how could they have the strength to protect someone else?

Upon hearing this, Lv Jiawen felt somewhat indignant.

Why couldn't he protect those he cared about?

Looking at Ye Qing beside him, he started to get a bit angry.

He truly wanted to become strong, to protect Ye Bing.

"Why can't I do it? Although the hope for awakening superpowers is slim, when I grow up, I can protect the people I care about in other ways," Lv Jiawen said, his face turning slightly red.

Was it the embarrassment of being doubted that made his face go red with anxiety?

Or was it because he had let slip his thoughts, which Ye Qing heard, that caused his embarrassment?