"Yes," Yang Yi nodded and drove the car out but stopped by the side of the road, as if waiting for them.
Chen Yating said angrily, "What are you doing? Why aren't you driving away? Why are you stopped by the roadside?"
Yang Yi suppressed his voice and whispered, "If you're scared, take a taxi home first. I'll wait for them to come over!"
"Fine! That's for the best. Just don't get beaten to death. If you damage the car, I'll see how you can compensate!" Chen Yating, somewhat reluctantly, took Yiyi out of the car. Not long after they left, Yang Yi lit a cigarette and sat in the driver's seat, smoking.
In fact, Yang Yi hadn't really brought that child back to life; he had only transferred the memories of the child from another parallel universe and then reactivated his consciousness.
Because time cannot flow backward, this is the greatest law ever discovered by mankind, known as the Fan Zeng Law.