"Whimper..." Ye Lan was truly about to cry, the tears constantly streaming down from her nose, which was all reddened from being hit.
"Why the tears? Didn't we agree no crying?" Yang Yi said upon seeing this.
Ye Lan snapped angrily, "You try it, if someone keeps aiming for your nose, who wouldn't cry?"
Indeed, it wasn't that she wanted to cry, but the pain in her nose was unbearable. Anyone would cry in her situation.
In fact, it was already impressive that she had endured it until now.
"So, do we continue fighting or not?"
Yang Yi asked as he looked at her.
"Fight, how can we not continue? I won't lose to you,"
Ye Lan said through clenched teeth, still stubborn and unwilling to admit defeat even now.
"But you can't hit the nose."
Ye Lan said somewhat fearfully. She truly couldn't stand being targeted on the nose by Yang Yi any longer.
"Who's in charge of me? No one says you can't hit the nose during a fight. I'll hit if I like hitting,"