the system [part 2]

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Name: Hans Nova 

Age: 14 

Core rank: F 



Kill one person and obtain their abilities-reward 100 exp and an upgrade in your core rank proficiency. 


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[main abilities would be like telekinesis or laser beam eyes.] 

All for one: 

when you kill someone, you can take their ability, 

You can also give other people abilities and locked 

[combine abilities to make new ones]-catch, the catch is your body can't handle any more than 1 ability for every ten levels you have in constitution, although this can be affected by constitution-based abilities that buff the stat. 





[passive abilities would be anything like a strength buff or speed buff, so really for example supper strength or speed.] These are stackable.] 




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Hans looked at the blue panel In front of his visage with a dumbfound expression, 

'Is this due to the experiments done on me when I was a child 'he thought, he couldn't be sure what it was although if he was lucky, and it was what he thought it was, Maby his life would be worth living, 'so, what are you –can I just call your system or what?', 


'I don't have a name; I was an artificial lifeform implanted in your brain when you were 10 years old' 

'Wait, so why did you only -ahhhr' the tram bumped, and he hit his head off the window, so he rubbed his head embarrassed and continued, 'only show up now? 'He thought 

'I only matured a few minutes ago when you go on this tram' 

'sooo, I'm not going to turn into some sort of winter soldier?' said Hans 

'Nah, you should be fine 'responded the AI.' 

'Well, that doesn't make me feel very safe'. 


He decided it probably wasn't worth the brain power trying to figure out if this thing really was or wasn't trying to kill him or not. 'If it is going to kill me I can't really do anything about it since it's in my brain, and if it isn't, this is just a benefit' he thought. 

This was when the tram finally made its way to district z of city z, funny coincidence. This district held all the important firms and institutions, and because of this had a large population of Astromites living there, about 30 percent of the population to be exact, a lot of these families where the product of inter breeding between Astromites and humans, but because Astromite DNA is so strong even if your half Astromite, you're likely to be just as strong and genetically almost as pure as a full breed, Hans sister was a quoter breed for example –but she was nearly as naturally talented and strong as a full breed Astromite. 


Hans stepped off the tram and was greeted by two military personnel, they wore a large grey jumpsuit with advanced carbon fibre meshes covering their vital points, due to abilities being quite common the use of guns had become quite rare, but some still used them because some unfortunate souls had terrible core cultivation talent. 

The two men I'd Hans, and he was on his way, it was bright out now, and he had a clear sight of blue skies and white marble walkways guiding him through the major districts and skyscrapers in the city, he eventually made it to a large walled off are of the city, its name was Umverion private school, yes Hans went to a private school in the nice part of town in the walled off estate, but in reality he wasn't treated very well –you see strength was everything in this society, if you weren't strong or had no talent you were pushed to the side, that is a bit of an exaggeration but the places he wanted to go, it was definitely true, and because of this when he asked his parents if he could go to a Cadet school they definitely protested, but after everything that had happened to him in his past it was the least they could do. 


He walked into the compound, it was a large concrete building that was about 6 stories tall, it was surrounded by greenery football pitches and basketball courts, this was the main building on campus and where he attended school 

He was walking towards the entrance when two girls walked up behind him. 

''filthy human' one of them said under their breath. 

'I might've put up with this shit but not any more, now that I have this system... I know what I'm going to do,' 

he turned his neck around with a stern look on his face and spoke 

 ''you're not even a full Astromite so shut your mouth'', 

The girls were stunned, he looked at the blond one, her hair was up in a bun, she had light purple eyes with a slim oval face and red lips, the more purple the eyes the purer the Astromite heritage is what they say, she also had the same uniform as him just with a skirt instead of trousers. 

He pushed his face in closer to hers until his face was just In front of her and said, ''all these years all this bull shit, why... you like me or something'' he smirked condescendingly. 

''what no –urrgh get away'' she said as she stepped on Han's foot and walked away blushing. 

Hans just shrugged and continued walking also, he noticed there was a teacher nearby and that's probably why he didn't get a punch in the face. 

He walked into the school and made his way to his first class, he took his seat, he was quite early, so he decided to doze off a while before the class started... 

About 30 minutes later he felt a tap on his shoulder, he groaned and looked to see who it was when his mood dropped, his name was Larkin, some fat ass who thought just because he had an ability he could bully Hans. 

''what do you want'' Hans said, 
