CHAPTER 7 "Felix Culpa"

"The Hardest Choices Require The Strongest Wills."

 I opened my eyes… the view through my eyes was blurry. I pulled myself from the bed and washed my face for a clear view. The day was the same as every day, from my birth… Wake up, eat, work for the king, get tortured and sleep. Time was in a loop where I didn't fit in, I wanted to break the circle and earn free will for everyone… at least for my mother… 

"What's holding you today … slave!" brayed one of the Generals as he started to hit me in the face.

I was serene and paid no heed to his words and went to the prison. The prison was a dark, long cave chamber where the poor put all their lives and energies to mine gold for the King. If they refused to work, they were tied beside a volcano and were left there until their bodies and organs melted into hot liquid which was given to the pet of the King. I lost both my parents, but I never saw my father but heard tales from my mother, that he and his friend conquered this world and made a place for innocent people to live peacefully until they disappeared one day without any notice. My mother was with me until I was five, she died due to her livers being collapsed. From then, a General named 

Bekele, who took care of me, even up to this day. He was the reason why I am still 


"Stop being clumsy, kid." Bekele breathily said

"Well, I won't be staying anymore here I will leave this world once I find a way so why do I need to work," I stated

"If the soldiers catch you then I can't save you anymore from the volcano," Satirically told Bekele. 

"Listen, kid. I wanted to say something, I think this is the perfect moment, I wanted to talk about your father. Your father… was a god. He was robbed of his glory by someone and was sent here after the beginning of time. He arrived here and met his friend who helped him build this world and lately after that he met your mother and you were born and a son of his friend was born. Your father and his friend with his family disappeared one night without notice and until then we know nothing where they went. But we can find the son… his clan's name is Fue…" paused Bekele.

Blood was dripping from his chest and his mouth. His eyes turned white… my heart started to beat heavily… the whole area was filled with silence … Behind him stood a man with a crown on his head, King Nicholas. "Well, well look who it is the daughter of the coward king and a disloyal dog lying dead." Abrasively stated King Nicholas.

The words hit me hard in the heart… my eyes started to become red, filled with rage, seeking vengeance. I stood up … slowly taking a pocket knife from my back and shouted… "MY FATHER WAS THE GOD YOU WILL NEVER BE, YOU UGLY HUMAN!" as I sliced through his left eye. I started to run in the opposite direction until… everything started to turn into beautiful flowers and trees. I started to slow down until I found a throne made of roses where sat a beautiful woman with long blonde hair and a diamond ring in her left finger.

I went closer to her and asked, "Hello! Do I know you…?"

"Thee shall knoweth who is't I am. I has't seen thy rage, the blood-dripping eyes. Thee might not but the rightful heir of the mine own clan and so i shalt giveth what i has't inside of thee, what mine own ancestors hadst before. Seeketh not any reasoneth for wherefore i hath chosen thee…its the way we hath chosen our heir…" she stated while I stood confused.

She started to whisper, "I, Queen Cora, the descendant of Qzias, I giveth now thee the power of the blade of Aurora's grace and thee shalt becometh the new Queen and a Demigod..." 

In an instant, the flowers turned into sharp blades and ruthlessly impaled themselves into the sanctuary of my heart, unleashing torrents of anguish that echoed through the chambers of my soul. … And in my hand was a long sword filled with stars. I returned to the original place where I see I was surrounded by a thousand soldiers… I screamed through the thick air and all the soldiers fainted away… I leapt towards the king and spun with swords and cut his body in half. I went to his castle and burned all of his gold and soldiers down.

I closed my eyes and spoke to the sword, "Take me somewhere safe, Aurora"

I open my eyes and I see green grass all over the place. I looked behind I saw a million of millions of soldiers bowing down to me. An old man with a grey beard and another man with a scar beneath his eyes and a golden crown on his head.

"Welcome to Wardranet, my Queen. You are our first Queen, The Golden Queen, Queen Areli..." announced the old man