Chapter 16 Kingdom Of Tira 2

Morning comes, and we start moving towards the Kingdom of Tira. When we reach the border, Asahi quickly heads to the entrance gate. I follow behind. Once he shows the Tira Kingdom Crest, we are let in immediately. This seems like a pretty good deal.

"Kurumi? Can I ask you something?"

"I guess."

"Why is your face always expressionless? There's no emotion at all. What's the reason for that?"

I slowly turn my head towards Asahi.

"Is there anything worth showing my emotions for? I don't think so."

"B-but like this... It looks like you're very sad inside."

This fool hasn't even understood some of the things I've done to use him. What does this brat think he is?

"Don't worry about me. There's no need!"


I had noticed something very strange. There is a universe that spans multiple universes. I called it the Great Universe. Outside of the Great Universe, there are many other Great Universes. I sent a small copy of myself to Hespine. In other Great Universes, there are only 12 people who can beat me. But I will surpass them soon. In the Great Universe I am in, there are currently 2 people who can beat me. One is the goddess who reincarnated me. I don't remember her name. She was unnecessary. But she owns all the Great Universes. Creator of gods and goddesses. Think of it as a story. There is an author of the story. There is a character in the story. And that character easily manages the story from within using their power. Basically, the author within the story. The most powerful being in the Great Universes. I don't know who the other person stronger than me in my Great Universe is. But the only one who can beat them is the goddess. When I checked if there was anyone who could surpass my potential, there was no one. However, there is someone whose potential is nearly infinite. I don't know their name, but they don't look strong at all. Yet they are very strong. A bald man. He does heroic deeds. Fortunately, my current state is stronger than him. He only has potential. That goddess. SHE REALLY ANNOYS ME. Stronger than infinite power. How is that possible? I have no choice but to kill her. But looking at her current strength, even if everyone in the Great Universes gathered, they couldn't defeat her. The goddess would easily win. And that's what annoys me.

As we approach the castle, the time for separation comes. Asahi and I will go in different directions. I teach him a spell so he can reach me immediately if something happens.

They said there were very strange people using magic here. I got curious. Actually, that was the reason I came here. I need to get into the forbidden and secret places of this region.