Chapter 2 Western Culture_1


Only next to the woman, there was an unattractive scene!

The reason it wasn't beautiful was that standing beside her was a slightly weak and somewhat sleazy, skinny man!

He wore glasses, didn't look refined, but rather a bit sleazy; no matter how you looked at it, he didn't match the graceful beauty at all!

"Damn... what's with this graceful beauty's taste?" Ye Long's throat moved up and down, suddenly feeling a faint sense of sorrow.

"Miss, here's the keycard for Room 601. Please take care of it!" The front desk clerk handed a keycard to the graceful beauty.

The graceful beauty took the keycard, seeming to notice that Ye Long's thieving eyes were always staring at a certain spot on her, and cast a disdainful glance at him, and then she walked upstairs with the skinny man!

As for what they were going upstairs for, everyone understood what a man and a woman opening a room together could be about.

Apart from doing the bad things that men and women do, there definitely wasn't anything else!

Watching the ultimate beauty go upstairs with the sleazy-eyed man, Ye Long could only heave a sigh, "Damn it, a beautiful flower is wasted on a pig!"

However, looking at the foreign girl beside him, Ye Long managed to smooth out the grudge in his heart a bit.

But comparatively speaking, Ye Long preferred domestically made products!

"Sir, this is the keycard for Room 602. Please take care of it!" The front desk clerk checked Ye Long into his room and handed him the keycard.

"Thank you!" Ye Long took the keycard, said thanks, then finished paying the deposit, and boarded the elevator with Anna!

In the eyes of onlookers, Ye Long walking together with Anna, just like the beauty and the spectacled man, always seemed somewhat mismatched!

Because Ye Long's dress really made him look like a country bumpkin who had come to the city to work, or, to put it another way, a rustic hick; how could he be accompanying a Western beauty?

This made some passersby even wonder if Ye Long was a swindler who had lured a youthful girl?

Getting on the elevator, Ye Long went straight to the sixth floor!

After reaching the sixth floor, Ye Long walked towards Room 602 together with Anna!

Passing by Room 601, Ye Long, who had ears like a dog's, heard an unpleasant noise from the room, along with the skinny man's yelling!

"Damn... are they fighting? The spectacled man is yelling? Did he get the role wrong?" Ye Long not only sighed inwardly, but then he opened the door and walked into his own room.

As soon as Anna entered the room, she casually closed the door behind her!

"Taking the train all day, I'm dead tired!" Ye Long tossed his canvas bag onto the table, then lay on the bed.

"Long, I'm going to take a shower first, wait for me a bit!" Anna looked at Ye Long with a seductive smile, appearing enchanting and captivating.

From the moment she entered the room, Anna's behavior gave off another feeling, revealing a kind of promiscuity deep down.

"Uh... alright, go ahead!" Ye Long waved his hand.

Anna nodded her head, walked to the bed, and then peeled off her outerwear right in front of Ye Long!

This only made Ye Long think that Western girls were indeed open-minded!

Eastern and Western cultures, truly different!

Ye Long lay on the bed, watching Anna in front of him, revealing an innocuous smile!

"Long, I can't reach the back of my underwear, it's tight—can you help me from behind?" Anna dropped her T-shirt on the bed, smiled and walked up to Ye Long to ask.

Ye Long inwardly sneered, playing tricks already?

At that moment, Ye Long could only say, she was unlucky to run into him today!

He wasn't just a migrant worker as he appeared to be!

However, at this moment, Anna was acting very respectable!

Her behavior seemed even more harmless!

Ye Long's eyes heated as he watched Anna, and he smiled slightly!

Anna walked up to Ye Long, gave a gentle push, directly knocking the sitting Ye Long down, then propped her hands on his body above him!

Anna hung her head low, her fragrance enchanting, her hair falling near Ye Long's ear, causing his ears to itch!

People from Western countries were too open; it was a bit much for Ye Long to accept!

"Long, do you like it? If you do, come get it!" Anna blew a breath on Ye Long's earlobe and said in a tender voice as soft as water.

"I do like it, come get it? Then I won't be polite!" said Ye Long, not only grinning but in no hurry to expose the other party.

Anna looked at Ye Long, smiled slyly, a cunning smile on her face as if to tell Ye Long, you've been had!

Anna always had confidence in her charm, not to mention a country bumpkin who seemed to be from the countryside!

She figured such a beautiful girl he had probably never seen, let alone touched; today was his lucky day to get a budget deal!

But getting a bargain has its price; the world doesn't have such good deals for free!



Ye Long hadn't even moved when Anna suddenly let out a loud scream!

"Damn it... she screamed a bit early, brother hasn't even made a move yet!" Ye Long curled his lips, he hadn't even drawn his gun, what was Anna screaming for? At least let him finish venting.


After Anna's scream, the door to the room was kicked open!

In an instant, several burly men with buzz cuts stormed in angrily!

"What's going on?" one of the buzz cuts asked, standing in front.

Anna, wearing a pitiful expression, climbed up from the bed, covering her body like a forlorn wife and acting as though someone had done her wrong, then pointed at Ye Long and said, "He, he tried to take advantage of me!"

Ye Long looked at Anna without amusement, she actually pulled this stunt, then he shrugged his shoulders, "Take advantage of you? Haha!"

"You... you just wanted to take advantage of me!" Anna glared at Ye Long.

Ye Long smiled, then turned to the men standing at the door and asked impatiently, "Hey, who are you guys?"

"Watch your tone, we're undercover cops!" said the buzz cut leading the group.

"Cops, huh, haha, really dedicated, aren't you? That response time is fast. She screams and you guys rush in, just like in a movie, no, even better than a movie!" Ye Long said with a chuckle, he wasn't a fool, of course he knew these so-called police must be Anna's accomplices.

"Here's our ID, please cooperate, otherwise don't blame us for being rude!" The leading man quickly presented an ID card.

Ye Long couldn't be bothered to check whether it was real or fake because for him, it made no difference—if they did something like this, they should be dealt with whether they were fake or real!

"Ha~ what do you want to do?" Ye Long yawned, he was a bit tired after sitting on the train all day.

"It's not about what we want to do, but what this lady wants. If she wants to press charges, we'll have to take you back to the police station. If she wants to settle privately, we can act as witnesses. Don't worry, we police are the most righteous and fair!" the leader said with an air of authority.

"Right, okay then, busty girl, what do you want?" Ye Long then turned his attention to Anna.

Anna's pitiful face revealed a hint of smugness, then she looked at Ye Long and said, "Give me twenty thousand yuan for emotional distress, or I'll sue you and have you thrown in jail!"

Ye Long picked at his ear, "What? Compensate you twenty thousand, haha, not even if it were gold-rimmed could it be worth that much!"

"So are you giving it, or not?" Anna asked Ye Long.

"Twenty thousand I don't have, but twenty thousand in essence I might consider!" Ye Tian said with a sly grin.

"You… fine, no need for money, I can take an organ from your body!" Anna had already anticipated that Ye Long was broke, otherwise how could she have lured such a bumpkin?

"What do you want?"

"Give me your kidney, then I can sell it for money!"

"Haha, actually, I have another good idea. Find a dog, do it with you ten times, charge you cheaper for each time, two thousand a pop, ten times in total. Guaranteed to satisfy you!" Ye Long grinned and said.

"You…" Anna glared at Ye Long furiously, then said to the men beside her, "Arrest him!"

The men then looked at Ye Long and began to slowly walk towards him!

Ye Long watched the approaching men, naturally unconcerned, dealing with them was just like playing a game!

Just as both sides were about to fight, the room door was suddenly kicked open again!

Ye Long immediately looked towards the door, and his eyes instantly doubled in size!

"Damn it, it's her, my super charismatic beauty..." Ye Long's gaze once again became fiery.

Ye Long looked at the woman standing in front of the door, his eyes lighting up. This valiant and hot-bodied woman was none other than the elegant beauty from the front desk!

"Nobody move!" The elegant beauty pulled out a revolver and aimed it at everyone in the room.

"Damn, she's got a gun, what a fierce girl, right?" Ye Long said in surprise.

The leading burly man turned to look at the elegant beauty, a fierce expression on his face, "This is police work, get out of here if you know what's good for you, or we'll take you too!"

The elegant beauty, holding the gun, looked at the leading man and sneered, casually pulling an ID out of her pocket@

Ye Long casually glanced at it, and was momentarily stunned, "Damn, no wonder she has a gun, turns out this elegant beauty is a cop, named Leng Feifei, no wonder she has such an aura!"

"Police, all of you, don't move!" Leng Feifei showed her badge, then emphasized it again.

The leader glanced at the ID card and his previously gloomy face suddenly smiled, "Hehe, a misunderstanding, a misunderstanding, it turns out you're one of us; we're undercover!"

"You're also police? Show me your police IDs!" Leng Feifei obviously didn't believe them and didn't grin back, instead, she kept a cold expression.

"ID, sure, let me show you!" said the leading man, then reached into his chest.

The leading man's face suddenly changed, and what he pulled out wasn't a police ID, but a shiny dagger!

The man drew the dagger and thrust it directly at Leng Feifei!

Leng Feifei, however, was unperturbed. As the man's dagger approached, she quickly sidestepped and then grabbed the man's wrist!


The crisp sound of a bone breaking!