Chapter 4 Great Achievements_1

As soon as Ye Long's words fell, the room erupted with a series of "smack smack" slapping sounds!

The ones slapping weren't anyone else, but these men themselves!

Several men walked up to Anna and started "smack smack" slapping her face, while Anna screamed in pain!

At this, Leng Feifei's beautiful eyes filled with confusion and surprise, she now started to believe that the abnormal reactions of these brutes did indeed seem to be related to the Silver Needle!

The slapping went on for more than a minute, Ye Long stretched lazily, and then set his gaze on Anna!

Ye Long showed Anna a playful smile, as if he had thought of a good idea to torment her!

Simply slapping her seemed too easy on Anna; with such a good figure, she should be put to better use!

With a wave of Ye Long's hand, the men shuddered, then expressionlessly turned towards Anna!

At this moment, the men's eyes were somewhat ablaze, even hotter than when they looked at Leng Feifei, and then they stepped towards Anna one by one!

"What... what are you going to do?" Sensing something was wrong, Anna asked in terror, retreating backward.

The men did not answer her with words, but with actions instead!

Ye Long folded his arms, eager to watch a grand fight unfold, when Leng Feifei beside him spoke up!

"Hey, tell them to stop right now!" Leng Feifei's eyebrows furrowed slightly; she was a police officer, and even though Anna was a criminal, and they were all criminals, she couldn't allow such things to happen before her eyes.

What's more, it was something indecent!

"Just watch, it's much better to look at than those filmed ones!" Ye Long, on the other hand, was very interested in watching.

"You... you are committing a crime!" Leng Feifei glared at Ye Long with some embarrassment, feeling a surge of anger. She didn't want to see such a disgusting scene.

"Alright, alright, it's indeed not nice for a lady to watch this kind of scene!" After thinking over it, Ye Long realized it might not be appropriate, and besides, wouldn't those men stripping be taking advantage of Ms. Hua, the police officer?

Immediately, with a swift movement, Ye Long quickly jabbed a few spots on the men's bodies!

The men, who had been high in emotion, instantly calmed down!

The recent situation had scared Anna terribly; seeing her confederates calm down, she couldn't help but sigh deeply!

If she had indeed been set upon by these brutes, she might have collapsed from exhaustion after the ordeal!

Once the situation was under control, Leng Feifei quickly made a call to the police station, and after a short while, several police officers arrived and took the men along with Anna out of the hotel!

"Hey, come with me as well!" Leng Feifei said, looking at Ye Long with some coldness.

From start to finish, Leng Feifei had been somewhat disgusted with Ye Long, filled more with contempt. Though she didn't want to see Ye Long again, there was no helping it, for now, she had to take Ye Long to make a statement!

"Where to?"

"Where else, to the police station to make a statement, of course!" Leng Feifei looked at Ye Long and said.

"What statement? Weren't you booking a room with your boyfriend?" Ye Long spread his hands and said.

"Shut up, stop talking nonsense!" Leng Feifei's beautiful eyes glowered fiercely at Ye Long. She had clearly come to handle a case, yet this guy actually accused her of booking a room with a man!

Ye Long looked at Leng Feifei's expression, as if she would eat him up, wondering if he had said something wrong. Downstairs, he had clearly seen her book a room with a skinny man!

Could it be because she was a police officer, she feared people would criticize her conduct?

Whenever Ye Long thought of that scrawny man, he felt a dull ache in the groin—what kind of taste was that, not even half as good as himself!

"Hehe, Officer Beauty, staying in a hotel room with one's boyfriend shouldn't be considered a lifestyle issue, right?" Ye Long teasingly asked with a smile.

Leng Feifei glared at Ye Long fiercely again. This guy's mouth was just begging to be smacked!

"If you dare utter another word, I will tear your mouth apart; follow me back to the police station to make a statement!" Leng Feifei dropped this line before turning around and walking out.

"Uh… okay then!"

Ye Long didn't mind making a trip to the police station at all. It wasn't often that he came across such a fine officer. Spending more time together wasn't a bad thing—what if she ended up captivated by his overwhelming manly charm?

Plus, her figure completely met his standards for a wife!

Such a top-notch policewoman with a man who was both sleazy and skinny, it was a sheer waste of resources!

Leng Feifei turned and left the room and Ye Long followed her out.

Once outside, Leng Feifei brought the skinny, bespectacled man out of her room.

The dark and skinny man looked dejected and was very obedient to Leng Feifei's commands.

This made Ye Long somewhat puzzled—was this guy a submissive?

They left the hotel, got into Leng Feifei's police car, and drove straight to the East City District Police Station.

At the police station, as an involved party, Ye Long made a simple statement, while Anna and her group had already been criminally detained.

Upon investigation, it turned out that their crimes were even more despicable than those of the Immortal trick crews at train stations. Their target wasn't just money, but human organs!

This bunch were all part of an organ trafficking gang!

Because of this, Leng Feifei also coincidentally made a great achievement!

This gang had not expected to encounter such a tough nut as Ye Tian tonight, which led to their complete downfall, with the entire gang getting caught!

Now Ye Long understood why he was targeted despite not flashing any wealth and dressing like a country bumpkin—it was his good physical condition!

"Alright, you can go now!"

After half an hour of making the statement, Leng Feifei still spoke to Ye Long with a cool and detached tone.

"Officer Beauty, since I played a part in a big achievement, shouldn't I get some kind of reward?" Ye Long leaned in close to Leng Feifei and asked with a smile.

Leng Feifei glanced at Ye Long and asked, "What reward do you want?"

"Well…" Ye Long replied with a lecherous grin, stroking his chin and scanning Leng Feifei's body up and down. His gaze lingered momentarily at her neck before coming to a halt.

Leng Feifei, noticing Ye Long's despicable look, shot daggers with her eyes, "You filthy hooligan!"

In the midst of speaking, Leng Feifei kicked out at Ye Long!

"Damn, Officer Beauty, I didn't touch you or bump into you. You gotta be responsible with your words—how am I a hooligan?" Ye Long dodged and argued back.

"Dare to say that? What were your eyes looking at just now?" Leng Feifei glared at Ye Long and asked.

"I wasn't looking at anything! Or am I supposed to talk to you with my back turned? Besides, aren't those things meant to be seen anyway!" Ye Long retorted as if it were the most natural thing in the world, spreading his hands.